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副廠 MCP4725 I2C DAC Breakout 12位分辨率 數位轉類比模組
您的微控制器可能有一個 ADC(模擬 -> 數字轉換器),但它有一個 DAC(數字 -> 模擬轉換器)嗎?現在可以了!該分線板具有易於使用的 MCP4725 12 位 DAC。通過 I2C 控制它並將其發送到您希望它輸出的值,然後 VOUT 引腳將擁有它。非常適合音頻/模擬項目,例如當您不能使用 PWM 但需要正弦波或可調節偏置點時。
我們斷開了 ADDR/A0 引腳,因此您可以將其中兩個 DAC 連接到一條 I2C 總線上,只需將那個引腳連接到一個高電平(或關閉背面的跳線)以防止它發生衝突。還包括一個 6 針接頭,用於麵包板。適用於 3.3V 或 5V 邏輯。
該芯片的一些不錯的附加功能:對於具有 3.4Mbps 快速模式 I2C(Arduino 沒有)的芯片,您可以將 Vout 更新為 ~200 KHz。有一個 EEPROM,所以如果你寫輸出電壓,你可以“存儲它”,所以如果設備重新上電,它將恢復該電壓。輸出電壓為軌到軌且與電源引腳成正比,因此如果從 3.3V 運行,輸出範圍為 0-3.3V。如果你從 5V 運行它,輸出範圍是 0-5V。
MCP4725 12 Bit I2C IIC DAC Development Board Breakout Board Internal EEPROM Store
- The MCP4725 is an I2C controlled Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC).
- A DAC allows you to send analog signal, such as a sine wave, from a digital source, such as the I2C interface on the Arduino microcontroller.
- On board are SCL, SDA, VCC, and another GND for your basic I2C pinout.
- If you are looking to have more than one MCP4725 on a bus, the pull-up resistors on this board can be disabled just check the Hookup Guide in the Documents section below for instructions and tips on doing this.store settings
- Digital to analog converters are greInternal EEPROM to store settingsat for sound generation, musical instruments, and many other creative projects!
MCP4725 12 Bit 2.7V-5.5V I2C DAC Module Development Board for Arduino Description:
You have always wanted to output analog voltages from a microcontroller, the MCP4725 is the DAC that will let you do it! The MCP4725 is an I2C controlled Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC).
A DAC allows you to send analog signal, such as a sine wave, from a digital source, such as the I2C interface on the Arduino microcontroller. Digital to analog converters are great for sound generation, musical instruments, and many other creative projects!
This version of the MCP4725 Breakout fixes a few issues with the board including the IC footprint, the I2C pinout, changes the overall board dimensions to better fit your projects, and a few more minor tweaks.
This board breaks out each pin you will need to access and use the MCP4725 including GND and Signal OUT pins for connecting to an oscilloscope or any other device you need to hook up to the board. Also on board are SCL, SDA, VCC, and another GND for your basic I2C pinout. Additionally, if you are looking to have more than one MCP4725 on a bus, the pull-up resistors on this board can be disabled just check the Hookup Guide in the Documents section below for instructions and tips on doing this.
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