副廠 Arduino Ethernet Shield R3 W5100 乙太網路擴展板 網路擴展板 SD卡 支持 Arduino Mega328
NT$680 原始價格:NT$680。NT$320目前價格:NT$320。 (未稅)
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副廠 Arduino Ethernet Shield R3 W5100 乙太網路擴展板 網路擴展板 SD卡擴展 支持 Arduino Mega328
Arduino Ethernet Shield W5100 乙太網路擴展板 ,可以使 arduino成為簡單的 Web 服務器或者通過網絡控制讀寫 arduino 的數字和模擬接口等網絡應用。可直接使用 IDE 中的 Ethernet 庫文件便可實現一個簡單Web服務器。同時該版本的支持mini SD卡(TF卡)讀寫,該擴展板採用了可堆疊的設計,可直接插到 Arduino上,同時我們的其他擴展板也可以插上去。
Arduino Ethernet Shield W5100 乙太網路擴展板(W5100) 主要特色是把 TCP/IP Protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4 ARP, IGMP, PPPoE, Ethernet) 做在硬體電路上,減輕了單晶片(MCU )的負擔 (也就是 Arduino 開發板的負擔)。新的 Ethernet Shield 增加了 micro-SD card 插槽,可以用來儲存檔案,你可以用 Arduino 內建的 SD library 來存取板子上的 SD card。此外,Ethernet Shield 相容於 UNO 和 Mega 2560 控制板。
Arduino Ethernet Shield R3 W5100 乙太網路擴展板 可以讓Arduino控制器連接網絡。它是一塊內置 WizNet W5100 TCP/IP微處理器的擴展板。這塊板通過長針腳排母(wire-wrap header)連接Arduino 開發板。使用Arduino IDE中的Ethernet庫程序便可以輕鬆地使用這款擴展板連接到網絡中。且該款擴展板的R3版本還新增了由4個額外端口組成的1.0標準版輸出端口:2個位於ARFF邊上,2個位於RESET邊上。RESET邊上的兩個端口,一個是IOREF,用來使擴展板適應主板。另一個空的端口預留給將來擴展的可能。
Arduino Ethernet Shield R3 W5100 乙太網路擴展板 最新的版本新增 micro-SD 卡的插槽,擁有網絡存儲功能。此外,它和Arduino Duemilanove,Mega系列也完全兼容。它還擁有一個獨立的PoE( power-over-Ethernet)模塊。該模塊可以銲接到主板上,從而通過雙絞線來傳輸電力。這是符合IEEE802.3af 標準的,並和現存的PoE模塊相兼容。
Arduino Ethernet Shield R3 W5100 乙太網路擴展板 燈號說明
- PWR: 表示 Arduino 控制板和 Ethernet Shield 已經上電
- LINK: 網路指示燈,當燈號閃爍時代表正在傳送或接收資料
- FULLD: 代表網路連線是全雙工
- 100M: 表示網路是 100 MB/s (相對於 10 Mb/s)
- RX: 接收資料時閃爍
- TX: 傳送資料時閃爍
- COLL: 閃爍時代表網路上發生封包碰撞的情形 (network collisions are detected)
Arduino Ethernet Shield R3 W5100 乙太網路擴展板 官方函數庫使用與介紹 https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Ethernet
W5100 Ethernet Shield Network Development board with Micro SD Card Slot for Arduino
- This Arduino Ethernet Shield which is based on the Wiznet W5100 Ethernet Chip gives you an easy way to get your Arduino Online.Will not work with Homeseer Arduino Pkug-in
- The Wiznet W5100 provides a network (IP) stack capable of both TCP and UDP.
- With Micro SD card slot, supports SD card up to 2GB, supports 2009, UNO, mega 1280, mega 2560, Nano, Duemilanove
- Fit for Arduino 2009 UNO Mega 1280 Mega 2560 Nano Duemilanove
- It adds a micro-SD card slot, which can be used to store files for serving over the network.
Arduino Ethernet Shield W5100
The latest revision of the shield also includes a reset controller, to ensure that the W5100 Ethernet module is properly reset on power-up. Previous revisions of the shield were not compatible with the Mega and need to be manually reset after power-up. The reset button on the shield resets both the W5100 and the Arduino board. Arduino communicates with both the W5100 and SD card using the SPI bus (through the ICSP header). This is on digital pins 11, 12, and 13 on the Duemilanove and pins 50, 51, and 52 on the Mega. On both boards, pin 10 is used to select the W5100 and pin 4 for the SD card. These pins cannot be used for general i/o. On the Mega, the hardware SS pin, 53, is not used to select either the W5100 or the SD card, but it must be kept as an output or the SPI interface won’t work.
Note that because the W5100 and SD card share the SPI bus, only one can be active at a time. If you are using both peripherals in your program, this should be taken care
of by the corresponding libraries. If you’re not using one of the peripherals in your program, however, you’ll need to explicitly deselect it. To do this with the SD card, set pin 4 as an output and
write a high to it. For the W5100, set digital pin 10 as a high output.
Arduino Ethernet Shield W5100
- High speed Ethernet controller W5100
- SPI interface
- 32 Kbytes inner buffer
- RJ45 Ethernet port
- Support up to four simultaneous TCP/UDP connections
- SD card slot
- Reset Switch
- Compatible with Arduino UNO, Duemilanove, and Mega
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