
RCWL-1603 超聲波測距感測器模組

原始價格:NT$180。目前價格:NT$150。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: SNG-001643 分類: 標籤: , , , , , ,


RCWL-1603 超聲波測距感測器模組 支援多種輸出 串口 PWM GPIO 輸出  帶溫補

The RCWL-1603 is an open ultrasonic ranging module with 3V-5.5V power supply. It contains a variety of working modes including UART, GPIO, PWM and UART AUTO OUT. Its temperature supplement adopts MCP9700 professional temperature measuring chip.

1>. 3V-5.5V wide voltage power supply.
2>. Ultra-wide measurement range of 2cm-500cm (measurement of flat wall).
4>. Provide temperature output (UART mode only).
5>. Standby mode (UART mode only).
6>. Temperature compensation.
7>. The SWIM interface of STM8S003 is set aside for module up grade.
8>. Lead-free process.
9>. Adopt the general environmental protection probe, can customize the use of high – quality reinforced environmental probe.
10>. Working temperature: -20 Celsius to 90 Celsius


No. Parameter Remark Min. value typical value Max. value Unit
1 Working voltage 3 5.5 V
2 3.3V working current 11 12 mA
3 5V working current 10 11 mA
4 Maximum detection range Flat wall 400 500 800 CM
5 Working frequency 40 KHz
6 Blind area 2 3 CM
7 Detection accuracy 士 2 %
8 Resolution 1 mm
9 Detection Angle Maximum directional Angle ±15 Degree
10 Output interface mode UART/GPIO/PWM/UART AUTO OUT.
11 Working temperature Plastic shell probe (to be customized) -20 60
12 Working temperature Aluminum shell probe -20 90

Pin Definition:

No. Pin Description
1 Vcc 3.3V-5V power supply
2 Trig
The GPIO mode is Trig, trigger signal.
The UART/UART AUTO OUT mode is serial port RX.
3 Echo
The GPI0 mode is Echo, feedback signal.
The UART/UART AUTO OUT mode is serial port RX.
4 Gnd Ground
5 Swim Swim pin of the STM8S003
6 MD/PWM MD: Mode selection
Before power on, the module is connected to ground, and then enter into setting mode after power on;
Before power on, the module suspends, and then enter into working mode after power on.
7 Gnd Ground
8 Rst STM8S003 reset pin

Mode Setting Operation:

Mode setting command:

No. Command value Return value Description
1 0X01 0XA1 Serial Port Mode
2 0X02 0XA2 GPI0 mode, the same as HC-SR04
3 0X03 0XA3 PWM output mode
4 0X04 0XA4 Automatic serial port output
5 0X0F Version Output version

Setting pin: MD/PWM
Baud rate: 9600 N 1

— set the serial port mode
1>. MD/PD is connected to ground, can be connected with the ground foot.
2>. Power on.
3>. The baud rate of the PC terminal serial port is set to: 9600 uncheckbit 1 bit stop bit.
4>. Enter command value 0X01.
5>. The serial software will receive the set successful data 0XA1.
6>. Module setting is completed.

Model Definition:
1>. Serial port mode:
The serial port is connected with the module and input different commands to measure distance and temperature parameters.
Serial port mode command:

No. Command value Return value Description
1 0XC1 Distance value BYTE1+BYTE2 Hexadecimal distance value, BYTE is high pin
2 0XC2 Temperature BYTE1 Decimal temperature value
3 0XC3 0XC3 Ranging part, power off
4 0XC4 0XC4 Ranging part, power on

–Test distance
A>. MD/PD pin suspends
B>. Module is powered on
C>. The baud rate is set to: 9600, no check digit, and 1 stop bit.
D>. Enter the command value and enter 0XC1.
E>. Serial software will receive data, such as 06,0C; the test distance is 1548mm.
–Test Temperature
A>. MD/PD pin suspends
B>. Module is powered on
C>. The baud rate is set to: 9600, no check digit, and 1 stop bit.
D>. Enter the command value and enter 0XC2.
E>. Serial software will receive data, such as 12; the test temperature is 12 Celsius.

2>. GPIO mode:
Consistent with HC-SR04 operation.Fully compatible with HC-SR04 command.

3>. PWM mode:
MD/PWM pin output with distance equal to the space ratio signal.

4>. AUTO GPIO mode:
The serial port always outputs the measured distance value, which is generally used for test modules.

5>. Version:
Serial port output version signal.

RCWL-1603 Ultrasonic Module Distance Measuring Transducer Sensor for Arduino UART PWM GPIO Output w/ Temperature Compensation High Precision , 3V-5.5V



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