- 描述
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雙 TB6612FNG 電機驅動板 – 副廠 – 已焊接針腳
TB6612FNG 電機驅動器可以在1.2A(3.2A峰值)的恆定電流下控制多達兩個直流電機。兩個輸入信號(IN1和IN2)可用於控制電機的四種功能模式之一:順時針,逆時針,短制動和停止。兩個電機輸出(A和B)可以單獨控制,每個電機的速度通過PWM輸入信號控制,頻率高達100kHz。應將STBY引腳拉高以使電機脫離待機模式。由於受歡迎的需求,此版本的電機驅動器包括易於使用的預先焊接的公頭。在頭部已經焊接的情況下,您可以直接使用這個小板,而無需任何組裝!
雙 TB6612FNG 電機驅動板 – 副廠 – 已焊接針腳
- 電源電壓:最大VM = 15V,VCC = 2.7-5.5V
- 輸出電流:Iout = 1.2A(平均)/ 3.2A(峰值)
- 待機控制節省電力
- CW / CCW /短剎車/停止電機控制模式
- 內置熱關斷電路和低電壓檢測電路
- TB6612FNG的所有引腳分成0.1“間隔引腳
- 在兩條電源線上過濾電容器
- 預先焊接的標題
- 概要
- 鷹文件
- 連接指南
- DataSheet 數據表(TB6612FNG)
- GitHub上
Dual TB6612FNG with Headers
The TB6612FNG Motor Driver can control up to two DC motors at a constant current of 1.2A (3.2A peak). Two input signals (IN1 and IN2) can be used to control the motor in one of four function modes: CW, CCW, short-brake and stop. The two motor outputs (A and B) can be separately controlled, and the speed of each motor is controlled via a PWM input signal with a frequency up to 100kHz. The STBY pin should be pulled high to take the motor out of standby mode. Due to popular demand, this version of the Motor Driver includes pre-soldered male headers for ease of use. With the headers already soldered on, you can jump right in to using this little board without any assembly!
Dual TB6612FNG Motor Driver
Logic supply voltage (VCC) can be in the range of 2.7–5.5VDC, while the motor supply (VM) is limited to a maximum voltage of 15VDC. The output current is rated up to 1.2A per channel (or up to 3.2A for a short, single pulse).
The board comes with all components installed as shown. Decoupling capacitors are included on both supply lines. All pins of the TB6612FNG are broken out to two 0.1″ pitch headers; the pins are arranged such that input pins are on one side and output pins are on the other.
評價 (0)
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