
Arduino 多功能輸入控制擴展板 兩軸搖桿 四個按鈕 Xbee 擴展接口

原始價格:NT$415。目前價格:NT$350。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: ADS-006668 分類: 標籤: , , , ,


Arduino 多功能輸入控制擴展板 兩軸搖桿 四個按鈕 Xbee 擴展接口

Arduino 多功能輸入控制擴展板 含兩軸微型操縱桿(帶有力矩開關)以及四個彩色按鈕(紅色,黃色,藍色,綠色)。保留了APC220無線電數據模組接口和 Xbee 接口,以方便實現無線翹板按鈕控制器。屏蔽層可以輕鬆堆疊在Arduino板上。它還可以與 OLED2864 和 OLED9664 連接。使用這款產品能夠幫助你使用您手上的Arduino控制器,搭建成一個低沉本、靈活度高的DIY遙控器。是遙控和DIY愛好者的合適選擇。


  • 雙軸迷你游戲桿
  • 使用公對公排針連接器連接到Arduino
  • 帶有2個彩色按鈕
  • 採用進口優質電位器和PS按鈕搖桿。翹板輸出一個模擬信號以實現垂直和水平控制,該信號同時附加到四個鍵上。它還有兩個很棒的圓形按鈕帽(帽子顏色隨機的圓形鍵),一個翹板按鈕和一個重置按鈕。
  • 使用堆棧設計的目的是使該插件可以輕鬆地在Arduino Duemilanove或DFRduino Romeo上使用。
  • 保留的APC220 /藍牙模塊接口是為了方便實現無線翹板按鈕控制器。
  • 其餘未使用的端口將擴展到備用狀態。


Input Shield for Arduino

The upgraded Arduino Input Shield includes a two axis mini joystick (with moment switch) as well as four colored push buttons(Red,Yellow,Blue,Green). The reserved APC220 Radio Data Module(SKU:TEL0005) interface and the Xbee interface is deisgned to facilitate the realization of wireless rocker button controller. The shield can be easily stacked on top of your Arduino boards. It can also connect with OLED2864 & OLED9664.





  • Dual axis mini joystick
  • Connects to your Arduino using male to male pin headers
  • Comes with 2 colored push buttons
  • The use of imported high-quality potentiometers and the PS button rocker. The rocker output an analog signal is *to achieve vertical and horizontal control, which is attached to four keys at the same time. It also has two *great circle button caps (cap color random round keys), a rocker button and a reset button.
  • The use of stack design is so that the plug can easily on Arduino Duemilanove or DFRduino Romeo.
  • The reserved APC220/Bluetooth module interface is to facilitate the realization of wireless rocker button controller.
  • The remaining unused ports are extended out of standby.

Pin Allocation

Pin Function
Digital 8 UP
Analog 1 Down
Digital 9 Left
Digital 12 Right
Analog 3 X axis
Analog 2 Y axis



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