Arduino DFRobot Gravity: 37件感測器學習套件組 支持 Arduino和樹莓派平台
NT$4,750 原始價格:NT$4,750。NT$3,620目前價格:NT$3,620。 (未稅)
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Arduino Gravity: 37件感測器學習套件組 支持 Arduino和樹莓派平台,還支持圖形化編程學習 感測器37件組 Arduino教學套件/ 詳細 官方 Arduino Sensor 入門教材資料
Arduino Gravity: 37件感測器學習套件組 包含37個傳感器,絕對可以讓您物有所值。 在此版本中,我們添加了更多傳感器模塊,例如顏色傳感器,數字瓦特計,心率監測器傳感器,電導率傳感器開關和數字抖動傳感器。除此之外,還有RGB LED模塊,揚聲器,振動電機模塊,DC電機模塊和RGB背光顯示器,可幫助您建立互動式項目。 使用各種傳感器來實現您的絕妙想法!我們所有的傳感器都採用Gravity標準接口,我們還有大量的代碼數據供您參考。
Arduino Gravity: 37件感測器學習套件組中的所有組件,您將能夠感知顏色,心率,光線,溫度,氣體,濕度,火焰,方向,發光並顯示文本。它幾乎可以滿足您的所有需求,但價格更優惠! 套件支援Raspberry Pi和Arduino編程平台以及諸如mind +之類的可視編程軟件,您可以輕鬆上手! 歡迎訪問我們的Mind +論壇,與我們分享您的意見,或訪問我們的博客以找到更多玩法!
Arduino Gravity: 37件感測器學習套件組 產品特性
- 採用Gravity接口,操作簡單,即插即用;
- 具有豐富的傳感器器件和有趣的執行顯示器件,讓控制器擁有感知和表達的能力。
- 高品質傳感器模塊,經久耐用,附帶更多細心設計。
- 顏色傳感
- 心率監測
- 聲音感應
- 距離檢測
- 磁力傳感
- 加速度感應
- 振動感應
- 觸摸感應
- 氣體傳感
- 壓力傳感
- 溫度感應
- 濕度感應
- 電壓/電流感應
- 角度感應
- 重力感應
- 火焰感應
- 液體傳感
- SEN0212 I2C顏色識別感測器 x1
- SEN0203心率感測器 x1
- SEN0291 I2C數字功率計 x1
- SEN0223電導開關模組 x1
- SEN0289數字晃動感測器x1
- DFR0022模擬灰度感測器x1
- DFR0023 LM35模擬線性溫度感測器x1
- DFR0026模擬環境光線感測器 x1
- DFR0027數字震動感測器 x1
- DFR0028數字鋼球傾角感測器 x1
- DFR0030數字觸摸開關Touch x1
- DFR0033數字貼片磁感應感測器 x1
- DFR0034模擬聲音感測器x1
- SEN0132模擬一氧化碳氣體感測器(MQ7) x1
- DFR0051模擬電壓檢測模組 x1
- DFR0052模擬壓電陶瓷震動感測器 x1
- DFR0058模擬角度感測器Rotation Sensor V2 x1
- DFR0061 JoyStick搖桿x1
- DFR0076 Flame Sensor火焰感測器 x1
- DFR0143 MMA7361三軸加速度感測器 x1
- SEN0018人體熱釋電紅外感測器x1
- SEN0307模擬量超聲波測距感測器 x1
- SEN0114土壤濕度感測器 x1
- SEN0121水分感測器模組 x1
- DFR0029-W白色按鍵模組 x1
- DFR0029-R紅色按鍵模組 x1
- DFR0029-Y黃色按鍵模組 x1
- DFR0021-W數字白色LED模組 x1
- DFR0021-R數字紅色LED模組 x1
- DFR0021-G數字綠色LED模組x1
- DFR0021-B數字藍色LED模組 x1
- DFR0605 RGB全彩LED燈 x1
- DFR0017繼電器模組x1
- FIT0449帶功放喇叭模組x1
- DFR0440微型振動模組 x1
- DFR0411 130直流電機風扇x1
- DFR0464 I2C LCD1602 RGB背光液晶屏x1
Gravity: 37 PCS Sensor Set for Arduino
Go interactive with your applications with this new sensor kit! 37 sensors are included in one kit, which definitely gives you a bigger bang for your buck.In the version of this sensor kit, we add more sensor modules like, color sensor, digital wattmeter, heart rate monitor sensor, conductivity sensor switch, and digital shake sensor. Besides that, there are RGB LED module, speaker, vibration motor module, DC motor module and RGB backlight display to help you build up your interactive projects.
Use a variety of sensors to realize your brilliant idea! All of our sensors employ Gravity standard interface, plug and play, also we have a huge amount of code data for your reference. Plug everything in our IO expansion board, burn the codes into it, and then you are ready to go.With everything included in this kit, you will be able to sense color, heart rate, light, temperature, gas, humidity, flame, direction or let you project speak, shine, and display text. It can almost meet all your needs but the price is more favorable!
This sensor kit supports the Raspberry Pi and Arduino Programming platform as well as visual programming software like mind+, you can get started easily with them! Welcome to visit our Mind+ forum to share your opinion with us or go to our blog to find more ways to play!
Information Recognition
- Color Sensing
- Heart Rate Monitoring
- Sound Sensing
- Distance Detecting
- Magnetic Force Sensing
- Acceleration Sensing
- Vibration Sensing
- Touch Sensing
- Gas Sensing
- Pressure Sensing
- Temperature Sensing
- Humidity Sensing
- Voltage/Current Sensing
- Angle Sensing
- Gravity Sensing
- Flame Sensing
- Liquid Sensing
Information Expression
- Sound
- Light
- Wind
- Display
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