- 描述
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Bus Pirate – v3.6a 故障診斷/ 電子驗證工具 / 板載PIC24FJ64 處理器 / FT232RL晶片
Bus Pirate – v3.6a 故障診斷工具,在PC和在1線,2線,3線,UART任何嵌入式設備之間進行通信,我2 C,SPI,和HD44780 LCD協議 – 全部在0-5.5VDC的電壓下。在使用新的或未知的芯片時,該產品消除了大量的早期原型設計工作。
使用 Bus Pirate – v3.6a 故障診斷工具 是簡單而有效的 – 將命令輸入到計算機的終端,這些命令由 Bus Pirate 解釋並通過適當的協議發送。Bus Pirate 還會將您的嵌入式設備發送的數據解讀回您的電腦終端。PIC上安裝的引導加載程序是一項巨大的好處,它允許您輕鬆更新固件並更改開發板的功能。
Bus Pirate – v3.6a 故障診斷工具 的主要組件是PIC24FJ64處理器和FT232RL USB轉串行芯片。Mini-B USB連接器也安裝在電路板上,為 Bus Pirate 提供電源,並允許您通過PC進行互動。這個版本的Bus Pirate的主要區別在於籠罩的0.1英寸間距的2×5引腳接頭,它已被翻轉以幫助實現該闆卡的標準化。此外,該接頭上的每個引腳都已標記,無需單獨的I / O引腳描述文件與早期版本一樣。
- 支持的協議:
- 的1-Wire
- 我2 C
- 異步串行
- PC鍵盤
- HD44780液晶
- 具有按位引腳控制的2線和3線庫
- 可編程的二進制bitbang,1-Wire,I 2 C,SPI和UART模式
- 5.5V容差引腳
- 6V測量探頭
- 1Hz – 40MHz頻率測量
- 1kHz – 4MHz脈寬調製器,頻率發生器
- 板上多電壓上拉電阻
- 板載3.3V和5V電源,軟件復位
- 常用操作的宏
- 總線流量嗅探器(SPI,I 2 C)
- 一個簡易固件更新的引導程序
- 透明USB->串行模式
- 10Hz – 1MHz低速邏輯分析儀
- 從Perl,Python等腳本編寫
- 訪問PIC24FJ64 ICSP編程端口
Bus Pirate – v3.6a
The Bus Pirate v3.6a, created by Ian Lesnet, is a troubleshooting tool that communicates between a PC and any embedded device over 1-wire, 2-wire, 3-wire, UART, I2C, SPI, and HD44780 LCD protocols – all at voltages from 0-5.5VDC. This product eliminates a ton of early prototyping effort when working with new or unknown chips.
Working with the Bus Pirate is simple and effective – type commands into a terminal on your computer, those commands are interpreted by the Bus Pirate and sent via the proper protocol. The Pirate will also interpret data sent from your embedded device back to your computer terminal. A big bonus is the bootloader installed on the PIC, which allows you to easily update the firmware and change the functionality of the board.
The main components of the Bus Pirate are the PIC24FJ64 processor and a FT232RL USB-to-Serial chip. A Mini-B USB connector that has also been populated on the board, provides the power to the Bus Pirate and allows you to interact with via your PC. The major difference in this version of the Bus Pirate comes from the shrouded 0.1″ pitch 2×5 pin header, which has been flipped around to help standardize this board. Additionally every pin on this header has been labeled, eliminating the need for a separate I/O pin description document like with earlier versions.
Note: We sell a handy cable to connect the Bus Pirate to the system you are developing, debugging, or reverse engineering.
Note: This product is a collaboration with Ian Lesnet. A portion of each sales goes back to them for product support and continued development.
評價 (0)
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