Electrical Conductivity Kit 水質電導率套件
NT$8,368 原始價格:NT$8,368。NT$7,690目前價格:NT$7,690。 (未稅)
- 描述
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Electrical Conductivity Kit 水質電導率套件
Atlas Scientific 致力於製造商提供高質量的環境監測傳感器。他們所有的套件都很容易校準並連接到基於微控制器的項目。你最後一次用 Siemens 測量了什麼?那不是關於你做的時間嗎?Siemens是國際單位,用於測量稱為電導的東西,電導只是元素電阻的倒數,它可以告訴你很多關於物質的信息!Electrical Conductivity Kit 水質電導率套件隨附您所需的一切,讓您的實驗室級嵌入式電導率系統運行起來!所包含的環氧樹脂/鉑電導率探頭對於實驗室工作來說足夠精確,但足夠耐用,可以長期在現場使用。
該套件包含K1.0電導率探頭和EZO™電導率電路,組合精度為0.55μs/ cm至500,000μs/ cm,最適合在微鹹水中使用。包含的校準解決方案將幫助您撥入此傳感器(這非常簡單,我們承諾)。
- 測量表面:鉑黑塗層鉑
- 主體材料:環氧樹脂
- 最高溫度:0-70攝氏度
- 最大PSI:1379千帕(200PSI)
- 電導率讀數+/-2μs/ cm
- 全導電率範圍從0.55μs/ cm到500,000μs/ cm
- 溫度依賴性或與溫度無關的讀數
- 以KCL為參考的總溶解固體(TDS)
- 鹽度來源於實用鹽度量表(PSS-78)
- 數據輸出是逗號分隔的字符串:μs,TDS,鹽度
- 單讀或連續閱讀模式
- 簡單的RS-232連接(電壓擺動0-5v)
- 簡單的指令集只包含6個(不包括校準)命令
- 3.3V – 5V工作電壓
- 數據表(EZO™電導率電路)
- 接線圖
- 樹莓派示例代碼
- Arduino示例代碼
- Arduino Mega 示例代碼
- 產品頁面
Atlas Scientific is on a mission to make high-quality sensors for environmental monitoring available to everyday hackers and makers. All of their kits are easy to calibrate and connect to your microcontroller-based project. When was the last time you measured something in microsiemens? Well isn’t it about time you did? Siemens are the SI unit for measuring something called conductance which is simply the inverse of an element’s resistance, and it can tell you a lot about a substance! The Atlas Scientific Conductivity Kit comes with everything you need to get your lab-grade embedded conductivity system up and running! The included epoxy/platinum conductivity probe is accurate enough for lab work, but rugged enough for long-term field use. Simply connect the probe to the conductivity circuit using the included BNC connector breakout, do some quick calibration with the included calibration solutions and you’re ready to measure conductivity, total derived solids (referenced to KCL) and salinity! Salinity values are derived from the Practical Salinity Scale (PSS-78) and more information can be found in the datasheet. This kit includes the K1.0 conductivity probe and the EZO™ Conductivity Circuit, when combined are accurate from 0.55 µs/cm to 500,000+ µs/cm and is best deployed in brackish water. The included calibration solutions will help you dial this sensor in (it’s really easy, we promise). If you’ve ever had to test or monitor the conductivity of aquariums, hydroponic gardens, soil samples or strong reducing agents, then you know that building and maintaining an accurate probe system has never been this easy.
- EZO™ Conductivity Circuit
- Platinum Conductivity Sensor (K=1.0)
- 2 x 125ml (4oz) calibration solutions
- Female BNC connector
- BNC connector breakout board
- Conductivity Circuit decal
- Datasheet (EZO™ Conductivity Circuit)
- Wiring Diagram
- Raspberry Pi Sample Code
- Arduino Sample Code
- Arduino Mega Sample Code
- Product Page
評價 (0)
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