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Fermion: 10 DOF IMU Sensor 多功能傳感器模組 ADXL345 + HMC5883L + ITG3205 + BMP280
Fermion: 10 DOF IMU Sensor 多功能傳感器模組是一款 高集成度低成本的10自由度傳感器。集合了ADXL345加速度計、HMC5883L磁羅盤、ITG3205陀螺儀以及BMP280氣壓傳感器和溫度傳感器。它小巧玲瓏的身材能夠適合大多數控制系統要求,它設計精巧的安裝孔也使傳感器的數據更加精確和可靠。內置了低噪聲的低壓線性穩壓器,還擴展了電源電壓輸入範圍,支持3V-5V電源電壓。當然了,10自由度IMU也可以直接和Arduino控制板兼容。
- 工作電壓:3.3V-5V DC
- 低噪聲LDO穩壓器
- I2C接口
- 集成10自由度姿態傳感器
- ADXL345加速度計
- ITG3200陀螺
- HMC5883L羅盤
- BMP280氣壓傳感器(V2.0版本)
- Arduino 控制器兼容
- 工作溫度:-20-70 ℃
- 產品尺寸:26*18 mm
- 多軸飛行器
- 自平衡機器人
- 室內慣性導航
- 高度計
- 人機互動(HCI)
- 寬電源電壓輸入範圍從3V-5V
- 低噪聲低壓穩壓器
- 低成本IMU
- 接口:I2C
- M3x2 安裝孔可以很好的適應你的移動平台、機器人、HCI或無人機
- LED電源指示
- 集成10自由度傳感器
- ADXL345 加速度計
- ITG3205 陀螺儀
- HMC5883L 磁羅盤
- BMP0280 氣壓傳感器和溫度傳感器
- 緊湊的設計非常易於使用
- 與Arduino控制板兼容
- 金色PCB線
- 尺寸:26x18mm
- 10自由度傳感器1塊
- 4pin引腳接頭 1個
Fermion: 10 DOF IMU Sensor (Breakout)
At the beginning, the inertial measurement unit is an electronic device that measures and reports on a craft’s velocity, orientation, and gravitational forces, using a combination of accelerometers,gyroscopes, and magnetometers. Now IMU sensor are commonly used in the Human-computer interaction(HCI), navigational purposes and balancing technology used in the Segway Personal Transporter as we all known.
The 10 DOF (degrees of the freedom) Mems IMU sensor is a compact and low cost IMU from DFRobot. It integrates the ADXL345 accelerometer, the HMC5883L magnetometer,the ITG-3205 gyro and the BMP280 barometric pressure sensor. It’s suitable for most of the controlling system because of the small dimension. The mounting holes make it possible to provide the highly accurate and stable sensor data.It embeds a low noise LDO regulator for supplying a wide range power input. Works with 3~8 volts power input. Certainly, the 10 DOF sensor is directly compatible with your Arduino boards.
- Aircraft
- Balancing robots
- Indoor inertial navigation
- Altimeter
- Human–computer Interaction (HCI)
- Wide power input range from 3 to 8 volts
- Low noise LDO regulator
- Low cost IMU
- Interface: I2C
- M3x2 holes for easily mounted on your mobile platforms,robots,HCI or UAVs
- LED power indication
- Integrate 10 dof sensors
- Adxl345 accelerometer
- ITG3200 gyro
- HMC5883L Compass
- BMP280 pressure sensor
- Compact size design and easy-to-use
- Compatible with Arduino controllers
- Electricity gold PCB
- Size: 26x18mm (1.02×0.71″)
評價 (0)
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