
Gravity BMP388 氣壓感測器模組 DFRobot 原裝進口 取代舊款 BMP180 BMP280
0 out of 5
NT$380 原始價格:NT$380。NT$330目前價格:NT$330。 (未稅)
狀態: 尚有庫存
貨號: IMU-004652
分類: 氣壓 / 地磁 / 多功能 IMU
標籤: BMP388, BMP388 Barometric Pressure Sensors, BMP388 氣壓感測器, Bosch BMP388, Bosch Sensortec, DFRobot, SEN0251, 博世
- 描述
- 評價 (0)
Gravity BMP388 氣壓感測器模組 DFRobot 原裝進口 取代舊款 BMP180 BMP280
這款由 DFRobot 發表的新型 Gravity BMP388 氣壓感測器模組 具有溫度和壓力測量功能。它支持Arduino代碼控制。與早期版本的BMP180,BMP280和BMP388相比,該傳感器具有更低的功耗,更高的分辨率和更高的採樣率。氣壓通常用於測量氣壓和溫度。但除此之外,我們還可以使用傳感器測量高度和相對樓層高度,因為高度和氣壓之間存在一定的關係。更重要的是,BMP388可實現精確的GPS跟踪。所以使用IMU傳感器和BMP388,我們可以體驗3D室內定位和導航。
BMP388 氣壓感測器模組 基於博世成熟的壓電電阻式壓力傳感器技術,具有高精度,低功耗和高EMC穩健性。該傳感器的精度約為±8Pa,相當於高度差±0.5m,絕對精度溫度為±0.5℃,溫度範圍為0℃至65℃。
- 溫度測量
- 壓力測量
- 海拔高度測量
- 室內導航(樓層檢測,電梯檢測)
- 戶外導航,休閒和運動應用
- 垂直速度指示(例如上升/下降速度)
Gravity BMP388 氣壓感測器模組 規格
- 工作電壓:3.3V-5.5V
- 工作電流:0.5mA
- 工作範圍:300-1250 hPa
- 相對精度:±8 Pa(相當於±0.50m @ 700-900hPa,25℃-40℃)
- 絕對精度:±50 Pa(0℃-65℃@ 300-1100hPa)
- 溫度係數偏移:±0.75 Pa / K(-20℃-65℃@ 700-1100hPa)
- 絕對精度溫度:±0.5℃(@ 0℃-65℃)
- 工作溫度:-40℃~80℃(0℃-65℃更準確)
- 外形尺寸:22mm x 30mm
- 安裝孔位置:15mm
- 安裝孔尺寸:內徑3mm /外徑6mm
- 接口:重力-IIC 4Pin或SPI(SPI僅用於3.3V)

絲印 | 描述 |
SDA | IIC數據 |
SCL | IIC時鐘 |
INT | 中斷輸出引腳 |
SDO | SPI-MISO / IIC地址選擇 |
GND | 負極 |
VCC | 陽極 |
- 1個Arduino UNO微控制器板
- 1 x Gravity I2C BMP388溫度和氣壓計
- 杜邦線
Arduino IDE
Arduino 範例代碼
下載BMP388庫文件。如何安裝庫? 複製以下代碼並將其刻錄到單芯片中。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 |
/*! * file bmp388test.ino * * Connect BMP388 to IIC interface of Arduino, download the program. * Altitude is calculated based on temperature and sea level pressure. * The example can count an approximate altitude. * * @n Open the serial monitor, check the altitude. * @n Open serial monitor, the temperature could be checked. * @n Open serial monitor, the atmospheric pressure could be checked. * * Copyright [DFRobot](http://www.dfrobot.com), 2016 * Copyright GNU Lesser General Public License * * version V0.1 * date 2018-5-29 */ #include "DFRobot_BMP388.h" #include "DFRobot_BMP388_I2C.h" #include "Wire.h" #include "SPI.h" #include "math.h" #include "bmp3_defs.h" /*If there is no need to calibrate altitude, comment this line*/ #define CALIBRATE_Altitude /*Create a bmp388 object to communicate with IIC.*/ DFRobot_BMP388_I2C bmp388; float seaLevel; void setup(){ /* Initialize the serial port*/ Serial.begin(9600); /* Initialize bmp388*/ while(bmp388.begin()){ Serial.println("Initialize error!"); delay(1000); } /*You can use an accurate altitude to calibrate sea level air pressure. *And then use this calibrated sea level pressure as a reference to obtain the calibrated altitude. *In this case,525.0m is chendu accurate altitude. */ delay(100); seaLevel = bmp388.readSeaLevel(525.0); Serial.print("seaLevel : "); Serial.print(seaLevel); Serial.println(" Pa"); } void loop(){ #ifdef CALIBRATE_Altitude /* Read the calibrated altitude */ float altitude = bmp388.readCalibratedAltitude(seaLevel); Serial.print("calibrate Altitude : "); Serial.print(altitude); Serial.println(" m"); #else /* Read the altitude */ float altitude = bmp388.readAltitude(); Serial.print("Altitude : "); Serial.print(altitude); Serial.println(" m"); #endif delay(100); /* Read the atmospheric pressure, print data via serial port.*/ float Pressure = bmp388.readPressure(); Serial.print("Pressure : "); Serial.print(Pressure); Serial.println(" Pa"); delay(100); /* Read the temperature, print data via serial port.*/ float Temperature = bmp388.readTemperature(); Serial.print("Temperature : "); Serial.print(Temperature); Serial.println(" C"); Serial.println(); delay(1000); } |
Gravity BMP388 Barometric Pressure Sensors Gravity BMP388 氣壓感測器模組
- Low power consumption
- Low noise
- High resolution
- Small dimensions
- Best-in-class offset temperature coefficient(-20℃-65℃@700-1100hPa)
- Operating Voltage: 3.3V-5.5V
- Operating Current: 0.5mA
- Operating Range: 300-1250 hPa
- Relative Accuracy: ±8 Pa (equivalent to ±0.50m @700-900hPa, 25℃-40℃)
- Absolute Accuracy: ±50 Pa(0℃-65℃@300-1100hPa)
- Temperature Coefficient Offset: ±0.75 Pa/K(-20℃-65℃@700-1100hPa)
- Absolute Accuracy Temperature: ±0.5℃(@0℃-65℃)
- Operating Temperature: -40℃~80℃ (more accurate in 0℃-65℃)
- External Dimension: 22mm x 30mm
- Mounting Hole Position: 15mm
- Mounting Hole Dimension: inside diameter 3mm/ outside diameter 6mm
- Interface: Gravity-IIC 4Pin or SPI (SPI is only used at 3.3V)
評價 (0)
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