- 描述
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Gravity: BMX160+BMP388 10 DOF 多功能感測器模組
Bosch Sensortec推出緊湊型9軸運動感測器BMX160,極為適合廣泛的應用,如智慧手機、智慧腕表、健身跟蹤器、智慧首飾,例如戒指、項鍊,以及增強/虛擬實境設備。相比于智慧手機,穿戴式設備面臨更加嚴苛的空間和功耗限制。BMX160節能9軸感測器為這類使用環境提供了一種理想的解決方案,而且是行業內最小型的9軸運動感測器。
通過結合Bosch Sensortec的先進加速計、陀螺儀和地磁感測器技術,BMX160能夠滿足穿戴式設備越來越嚴格的低功耗要求。博世低功耗感測器技術令這款性能卓越的9軸慣性感測器的功耗可降至1.5 mA以下。該感測器極為適合對外形具有極端限制的應用,例如智慧眼鏡。該感測器可與Bosch Sensortec的BSX感測器資料融合軟體庫結合使用,以進一步優化性能。
BMP388是 Bosch Sensortec公司系列產品中尺寸最小且性能最高的氣壓感測器,造型緊湊,解析度高。BMP380的一項典型應用為無人機,其高度資訊可用於改善飛行穩定性和著陸精准度並簡化無人機轉向,使無人機對於廣泛的用戶變得更具吸引力。此模組將兩個感測器結合在一起。不僅能測量姿態和航向,在飛行器等應用中還能測量飛行高度。

- 低功耗
- 低雜訊
- 高精度
- 小尺寸
- 加速度測量
- 角速度測量
- 大氣壓測量
- 溫度測量
- BMX160九軸感測器
- 加速度:±2g/±4g/±8g/±16
- 陀螺儀:±125°/s~2000°/s
- 地磁:±1150uT(x-,y-axis);±2500uT(z-axis)解析度:~0.3
- BMP388氣壓&溫度感測器
- 測量範圍:300-1250 hPa
- 相對氣壓測量精度:±08 hPa(等價±0.66m @700-900hPa,25℃-40℃)
- 絕對氣壓測量精度:±5 hPa(0℃-65℃@300-1100hPa)
- 溫度漂移係數:±75 Pa/K(-20℃-65℃@700-1100hPa)
- 絕對溫度測量精度:±5℃(@0℃-65℃)
- 工作溫度:-40℃~80℃(在0℃-65℃測量更精確)
- 尺寸:27mm x 32mm
Gravity: BMX160+BMP388 10 DOF Sensor
The BMX160 9-axis absolute orientation sensor from Bosch Sensortec is an ideal solution for applications that face strict constraints of board space, power consumption and appearance, especially for wearable device like smart watches or augmented reality glasses. This BMX160 sensor is the smallest 9-axis sensor in the industry. It comprises an accelerometer, gyroscope and geomagnetic sensor in a single package, and features less than 1.5mA power consumption. Combined with BSX sensor data fusion software library of Bosch Sensortec, the sensor performance can be further improved.BMP388 is a high performance barometric pressure sensor with compact body, high resolution, and the smallest size in same series. The BMP388 delivers outstanding altitude stabilization in drones, where accurate measurement of barometric pressure provides the essential altitude data for improving flight stability and landing accuracy.
This module is a combination of BMX160 and BMP388 from DFRobot, which is perfectly suitable for using in drone applications to measure height, attitude and orientation.
- Low Power
- Low Noise
- High accuracy
- Small in Size
- Acceleration Measurement
- Angular Velocity Measurement
- Barometric Pressure Measurement
- Temperature Measurement
- BMX160 9-axis Sensor
- Accelerometer: ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16
- Gyroscope: ±125°/s~2000°/s
- Geomagnetic Sensor: ±1150uT(x-,y-axis);±2500uT(z-axis)
- Resolution: 0.3μT
- BMP388 Barometric Pressure & Temperature Sensor
- Operation Range: 300-1250 hPa
- Relative Accuracy Pressure: ±0.08 hPa (equivalent to ±0.66m @700-900hPa, 25℃-40℃)
- Absolute Accuracy Pressure: ±0.5 hPa(0℃-65℃@300-1100hPa)
- Temperature Coefficient Offset: ±0.75 Pa/K(-20℃-65℃@700-1100hPa)
- Absolute Accuracy Temperature: ±0.5℃(@0℃-65℃)
- Operating Temperature: -40℃~80℃ (more accurate in 0℃-65℃)
- Dimension: 27mm x 32mm/1.06 x 1.26”
評價 (0)
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