Gravity: I2C級聯擴展器 IIC/I2C 地址衝突解決方案
NT$310 原始價格:NT$310。NT$265目前價格:NT$265。 (未稅)
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Gravity: I2C級聯擴展板 IIC/I2C 地址衝突解決方案
Gravity: I2C級聯擴展板 專門用於解決 I2C 器件地址的衝突,通過這款擴展器的轉接,連接到主控板同一個I2C口上的多個相同地址的I2C器件就可以正常通信並使用了。
當你辛辛苦苦找到了所需的傳感器,並且想在主控板的I2C口上級聯2個或者更多的傳感器,但不久你發現傳感器的I2C地址竟然是固定的!也就是說,不能在同一個I2C口上級聯多個傳感器!天啊,這可怎麼辦啊?我不想再換傳感器了。別慌!DFRobot的Gravity: I2C擴展器就是專門解決I2C地址的衝突。通過這個擴展器的轉接,你可以在同一個I2C口上連接多個相同地址的I2C器件並且正常使用啦。
- 3.3~5.0V工作電壓,範圍寬
- 3.3V的I2C數字電平信號,針對樹莓派等3.3V主控板優化,同時也能兼容5V主控板
- Gravity I2C接口,即插即用,無需焊接
- 板載I2C地址撥碼開關,I2C地址可設定,最多支持8個擴展器的級聯
- 4pin彩色排針,簡潔明了,Gravity I2C模塊即插即用
- 工作電壓:3.3~5.0V
- 接口類型:PH2.0-4P
- 接口電平:高電平3.3V,低電平0V
- 接口協議:I2C(IIC)
- I2C時鐘頻率:100K,400K
- I2C端口數量:8
- 默認I2C地址:0x70(撥碼開關全部撥向0)
- I2C地址範圍:0x70~0x77
- 產品尺寸:32*32mm / 1.26*1.26in
- Gravity: I2C擴展器 x1
- XH2.54-5Pin排針 x1
- Gravity 4Pin傳感器連接線 x1
Gravity: Digital 1-to-8 I2C Multiplexer
On the same I2C port, DFRobot Gravity: I2C Multiplexer solves the address conflict and enables the normal communication with multiple same-address I2C devices.
You just found the sensor you needed, and you want to wire up two or more to the I2C port of your main board, but later you realized that they have the fixed I2C address! That is, you can not directly use them on the same I2C port! Are you out of luck? Now don’t worry! DFRobot Gravity: I2C Multiplexer can easily solve the address conflict on the same I2C port.
This I2C multiplexer is easy to use, plug and plug and no need to weld. 1 multiplexer has 8 I2C ports, this means you can hook up 8 same-address devices at the same I2C port by 1 multiplexer . The default I2C address of the multiplexer is 0x70, and you can adjust from 0x70 to 0x77. In theory, you could hook up 8 multiplexers on address 0x70~0x77 , to control 64 same-address devices. So powerful!
- 3.3~5.0V wide operating voltage
- 3.3V I2C digital level, optimized for 3.3V main control board such as Raspberry Pi, and also compatible with 5V main control board such as Arduino UNO
- Gravity I2C Connector, plug and play, no welding
- On-board I2C address dial switch, the I2C address can be set
- Support the cascade of 8 multiplexer on address 0x70~0x77
- 4pin color-coded headers, simple and clear
- Operating Voltage: 3.3~5.0V
- Connector Type: PH2.0-4P
- Interface Level: high 3.3V, low 0V
- Interface Protocol: I2C(IIC)
- I2C Clock Rate: 100K, 400K
- I2C Port Quantity: 8
- Default I2C Address: 0x70 (dial switches all to 0)
- I2C Address Range: 0x70~0x77
- Dimension: 32*32mm / 1.26*1.26in
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