
Gravity: I2C BME680 環境多功能感測器 測量VOC(揮發性有機物)、溫度、濕度、氣壓
0 out of 5
NT$840 原始價格:NT$840。NT$750目前價格:NT$750。 (未稅)
- 描述
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Gravity: I2C BME680 環境多功能感測器 測量VOC(揮發性有機物)、溫度、濕度、氣壓
DFRobot 推出了新的 Gravity: I2C BME680 環境多功能感測器 是一款四合一MEMS環境感測器,可測量VOC(揮發性有機物)、溫度、濕度、氣壓這四個參數,非常適用於監測空氣品質。由於採用了MEMS技術,該感測器體積小、功耗低,因此也適用於低功耗場合,如可穿戴等。
DFRobot Gravity BME680環境感測器採用Gravity I2C介面,隨插即用,連線簡單方便;板載電源穩壓晶片和電平信號轉換晶片,相容性好,可直接相容3.3V和5V系統;預留了SPI介面,方便做擴展。本產品集成度高,可同時檢測四個環境參數,是氣象站、智慧家居、物聯網、可穿戴等場景的理想選擇。使用本產品,可迅速搭建出一套空氣品質檢測儀。當今空氣污染越來越嚴重,有毒物質超標的傢俱屢屢出現,因此是時候為自己的健康把關了。
- 輸入電壓:3V-5.0V
- 工作電流:5mA(開啟VOC測量後,工作電流為25mA)
- 通信介面:Gravity I2C
- 預留介面:SPI
- 溫度測量範圍:-40℃~+85℃
- 溫度測量精度:±1.0℃(0~65℃)
- 濕度測量範圍:0-100%r.H.
- 濕度測量精度:±3%r.H.(20-80% r.H.,25℃)
- 氣壓測量範圍:300-1100hPa
- 氣壓測量精度:±0.6hPa(300-1100hPa,0~65℃)
- IAQ(室內空氣品質)範圍:0-500(值越大,空氣品質越差)
- 模組尺寸:30 × 22(mm) / 1.18 x0.87(inches)

- 本產品支持I2C接口與SPI接口。使用時,請根據選用的通信接口,選擇對應的連線方式。連線方式參考下圖。
- 推薦使用I2C接口方式,即插即用,簡單易用。
- 若使用SPI接口,則模塊使用3.3V供電
1 |
請務必注意線序,VCC接電源,GND接地 |
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請務必注意線序,VCC接3.3V,GND接地 |
無 IAQ 數據
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/* * file DFRobot_BME680_I2C.ino * * @ https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_BME680 * * connect bme680 I2C interface with your board (please reference board compatibility) * * Temprature, Humidity, pressure, altitude, calibrate altitude and gas resistance data will print on serial window. * * Copyright [DFRobot](http://www.dfrobot.com), 2016 * Copyright GNU Lesser General Public License * * version V1.0 * date 2017-12-7 */ #include "DFRobot_BME680_I2C.h" #include "Wire.h" /*use an accurate altitude to calibrate sea level air pressure*/ #define CALIBRATE_PRESSURE DFRobot_BME680_I2C bme(0x77); //0x77 I2C address float seaLevel; void setup() { uint8_t rslt = 1; Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); delay(1000); Serial.println(); while(rslt != 0) { rslt = bme.begin(); if(rslt != 0) { Serial.println("bme begin failure"); delay(2000); } } Serial.println("bme begin successful"); #ifdef CALIBRATE_PRESSURE bme.startConvert(); delay(1000); bme.update(); /*You can use an accurate altitude to calibrate sea level air pressure. *And then use this calibrated sea level pressure as a reference to obtain the calibrated altitude. *In this case,525.0m is chendu accurate altitude. */ seaLevel = bme.readSeaLevel(525.0); Serial.print("seaLevel :"); Serial.println(seaLevel); #endif } void loop() { bme.startConvert(); delay(1000); bme.update(); Serial.println(); Serial.print("temperature(C) :"); Serial.println(bme.readTemperature() / 100, 2); Serial.print("pressure(Pa) :"); Serial.println(bme.readPressure()); Serial.print("humidity(%rh) :"); Serial.println(bme.readHumidity() / 1000, 2); Serial.print("gas resistance(ohm) :"); Serial.println(bme.readGasResistance()); Serial.print("altitude(m) :"); Serial.println(bme.readAltitude()); #ifdef CALIBRATE_PRESSURE Serial.print("calibrated altitude(m) :"); Serial.println(bme.readCalibratedAltitude(seaLevel)); #endif } |
帶 AIQ 數值
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 |
/* * file DFRobot_BME680_I2C.ino * * @ https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_BME680 * * connect bme680 I2C interface with your board (please reference board compatibility) * * Temprature, Humidity, pressure, altitude, calibrated altitude, gas resistance and IAQ data will be printed via serial. * * Copyright [DFRobot](http://www.dfrobot.com), 2016 * Copyright GNU Lesser General Public License * * version V1.0 * date 2017-12-7 */ #include "DFRobot_BME680_I2C.h" #include "Wire.h" /*use an accurate altitude to calibrate sea level air pressure*/ #define CALIBRATE_PRESSURE DFRobot_BME680_I2C bme(0x77); //0x77 I2C address float seaLevel; void setup() { uint8_t rslt = 1; Serial.begin(115200); while(!Serial); delay(1000); Serial.println(); while(rslt != 0) { rslt = bme.begin(); if(rslt != 0) { Serial.println("bme begin failure"); delay(2000); } } Serial.println("bme begin successful"); bme.supportIAQ(); } void loop() { static uint8_t calibrated = 0; #ifdef CALIBRATE_PRESSURE if(calibrated == 0) { if(bme.iaqUpdate() == 0) { /*You can use an accurate altitude to calibrate sea level air pressure. *And then use this calibrated sea level pressure as a reference to obtain the calibrated altitude. *In this case,525.0m is chendu accurate altitude. */ seaLevel = bme.readSeaLevel(525.0); Serial.print("seaLevel :"); Serial.println(seaLevel); calibrated = 1; } } #else calibrated = 1; #endif if(calibrated) { uint8_t rslt = bme.iaqUpdate(); if(rslt == 0) { Serial.println(); Serial.print("timestamp(ms) :"); Serial.println(millis()); Serial.print("temperature(C) :"); Serial.println(bme.readTemperature(), 2); Serial.print("pressure(Pa) :"); Serial.println(bme.readPressure()); Serial.print("humidity(%rh) :"); Serial.println(bme.readHumidity(), 2); Serial.print("altitude(m) :"); Serial.println(bme.readAltitude()); #ifdef CALIBRATE_PRESSURE Serial.print("calibrated altitude(m) :"); Serial.println(bme.readCalibratedAltitude(seaLevel)); #endif Serial.print("gas resistance :"); Serial.println(bme.readGasResistance()); if(bme.isIAQReady()) { Serial.print("IAQ :"); float iaq = bme.readIAQ(); Serial.print(iaq); if(iaq < 50) Serial.println(" good"); else if(iaq < 100) Serial.println(" average"); else if(iaq < 150) Serial.println(" little bad"); else if(iaq < 200) Serial.println(" bad"); else if(iaq < 300) Serial.println(" worse"); else Serial.println(" very bad"); } else { Serial.print("IAQ not ready, please wait about "); Serial.print((int)(305000-millis())/1000); Serial.println(" seconds"); } } } } |
無 IAQ 數據


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