Grove – Barometer Sensor (BMP280) 氣壓感測器高度計
NT$331 原始價格:NT$331。NT$300目前價格:NT$300。 (未稅)
Grove -BMP280 Barometer Sensor 氣壓計傳感器(BMP280)是博世 BMP280 高精度和低功耗數字氣壓計的分線板。該模組可以用來精確測量溫度和大氣壓力。當大氣壓力隨高度變化時,它也可以測量一個地方的近似高度。它可以連接到I 2 C(與Grove插座集成)或通過SPI總線的微控制器。我們還提供了高度抽象的庫,使這個產品更容易使用。
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Grove – Barometer Sensor (BMP280) 氣壓感測器高度計
Grove -BMP280 Barometer Sensor 氣壓計傳感器(BMP280)是博世 BMP280 高精度和低功耗數字氣壓計的分線板。該模組可以用來精確測量溫度和大氣壓力。當大氣壓力隨高度變化時,它也可以測量一個地方的近似高度。它可以連接到I 2 C(與Grove插座集成)或通過SPI總線的微控制器。我們還提供了高度抽象的庫,使這個產品更容易使用。
BMP280 是 BMP180 的升級版本。BMP280從BMP180中獲得了巨大的改進。BMP280 尺寸更小,功耗更低,噪聲測量更低,壓力和溫度分辨率更高,RMS噪聲更低,新增的接口SPI,更多的測量模式,更高的測量速率以及新增加的濾波器可抵禦環境干擾。由於大氣壓力讀數受高度和溫度的影響,我們在圖書館增加了補償功能。因此,格羅夫 – 氣壓計傳感器(BMP280)在提供精確的溫度,大氣壓力值和近似海拔高度數據方面更為可靠。
Grove – Barometer Sensor (BMP280) 模組可以精確測量環境中的氣壓和溫度。空氣壓力可以在300hPa至1100hPa範圍內測量,絕對精度為±1.0hPa。至於溫度,傳感器完美適用於-40到85之間的溫度,精確度為±1。由於測壓精度高,壓力隨海拔高度變化,我們可以計算海拔高度精度±1米,這也是一個精確的高度計。這個模組的另一個好處是,你甚至不需要擔心I2C衝突,因為它提供了I2C和SPI接口。要使用SPI,只需將背面的焊盤去焊即可。如果您使用I2C,則電路板還提供了2個I2C地址供您根據需要進行選擇。
- 測量精度高,壓力測量精度±1.0 hPa,溫度測量精度±1
- 易於使用的 Grove 兼容接口
- 支持 I2C 和 SPI 通信
- 可以用作±1米精度的高度計
- 電源電壓:5V或3.3V
- 電流消耗:0.6毫安
- 氣壓測量
- 範圍:300 – 1100 hPa
- 精度:±1.0 hPa
- 溫度測量
- 範圍:-40到85
- 精度:±1
- 接口:I2C和SPI
- Grove端口:I2C(0x77(默認)和0x76的可選地址)
- 尺寸:20毫米x 40毫米
- 重量:3克
Thanks to Bosch, now we’ve got a high-precision environmental sensor at even lower cost, the Grove – Barometer Sensor(BMP280). It is based on their new BMP280 sensor, which is an upgraded version of the old BMP180 used in Grove – Barometer Sensor (BMP180). The module provides precise measurement of barometric pressure and temperature in the environment. The air pressure can be measured in a range from 300 hPa to 1100hPa with ±1.0 hPa absolute accuracy. As for the temperature the sensor works perfectly for temperatures between – 40 and 85 with an accuracy of ±1.Owing to its high accuracy on measuring the pressure, and the pressure changes with altitude, we can calculate the altitude with ±1 meter accuracy, which makes it a precise altimeter as well. Another great thing about this module is that, you don’t even need to worry about the I2C collisions as it provides both I2C and SPI interfaces. To use SPI, simply de-solder the bonding pads on the back. If you go with I2C, the board also provides 2 I2C addresses for you to select as you want.Note: As the sensor is quite sensitive to the environmental conditions, please DO NOT touch it with your fingers.
- High accuracy, absolute accuracy of ±1.0 hPa for pressure measurement and ±1 accuracy for temperature measurement
- Easy-to-use Grove Compatible Interface
- Supports both I2C and SPI communication
- Can be used as an altimeter with accuracy of ±1 meter
- Supply Voltage: 5V or 3.3V
- Current Consumption: 0.6 mA
- Barometric Pressure Measure
- Range: 300 – 1100 hPa
- Accuracy: ±1.0 hPa
- Temperature Measurement
- Range: -40 to 85
- Accuracy: ±1
- Interface: I2C and SPI
- Grove Port: I2C (selectable address at 0x77(default) and 0x76)
- Dimensions: 20mm x 40mm
- Weight: 3g
Technical Details
Dimensions | 130mm x 90mm x 8.5mm |
Weight | G.W 10g |
Battery | Exclude |
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