
Grove – Infrared Reflective Sensor v1.2 紅外線反射感測器

原始價格:NT$230。目前價格:NT$170。 (未稅)

用於檢測特定範圍內物體的存在。傳感器由一個IR LED和一個光電傳感器(光電晶體管)組成。IR LED發出的光線被位於傳感器前方的物體反射,這種反射被光電傳感器(光電晶體管)檢測到。任何白色(或淺色)表面都會反射超過黑色(或更深)的彩色表面。當檢測到反射光時,它會在SIG引腳上產生數字高電平

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: SNR-000149 分類: 標籤: , , , , , , ,


Grove – Infrared Reflective Sensor v1.2 紅外線反射感測器

用於檢測特定範圍內物體的存在。傳感器由一個IR LED和一個光電傳感器(光電晶體管)組成。IR LED發出的光線被位於傳感器前方的物體反射,這種反射被光電傳感器(光電晶體管)檢測到。任何白色(或淺色)表面都會反射超過黑色(或更深)的彩色表面。當檢測到反射光時,它會在SIG引腳上產生數字高電平(或二進制1



Grove - Infrared Reflective Sensor

  • RPR220反射式光電傳感器,高度靈敏的反射式光電傳感器。
  • LMV358,軌到軌運算放大器。
  • LED指示燈,當接收到的紅外光強度超過預設水平時,LED將會亮起。
  • 光靈敏度調節電位器
  • 調節光電傳感器對光的靈敏度。


Grove – Infrared Reflective Sensor v1.2 can be used for detection of proximity and color of objects. The reflective photosensor – RPR220 used in this module consists of an infrared light emitting diode and a high –sensitivity phototransistor. Light-colored objects directly in front of the sensor will reflect more infrared light as well as generate more current in the phototransistor than an object with dark-colored surfaces, this can be tell from a built-in indicator LED which will turn red with sufficient flow of current. Also, the intensity of the reflective light increases as the object getting closer. You can adjust the potential-meter on the back of the board if you want to detect a specific object (eg. Black line) at a certain distance.This sensor is a widely used in applications such as line-following robots, rotary speed detection, auto-data logging on utility meters or other situations where color or distance contrast is sharp.

  • Easy to use
  • Panel-mounting Grove interface
  • Digital output: 0 or VCC
  • Built-in indicator LED
  • Threshold adjustable via potentiometer
  • Power supply: 3.5 – 5.5V DC
  • Reflective Photosensor: RPR-220
  • Effective working distance: 4-15mm
  • Minimum detectable width for monochrome lines: 10mm
  • Connector: 4 pin Buckled Grove interface
  • Dimension: 20mm*20mm

DocumentsPlease visit our wiki page for more info about this product. It will be appreciated if you can help us improve the documents, provide more demo code or tutorials. For technical support, please post your questions to our forum.

Technical Details

Dimensions 89mm x 140mm x 10.5mm
Weight G.W 9.5g    N.W 8.5g
Battery Exclude



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