
GrovePi Zero (GrovePi0)樹梅派 Zero wifi Grove 擴展板

原始價格:NT$1,200。目前價格:NT$1,180。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: RPI-001559 分類: 標籤: , , , , , , , , , ,


GrovePi Zero (GrovePi0)樹梅派 Zero wifi Grove 擴展板

GrovePi Zero 使得 Raspberry Pi Zero 的電子原型設計變得簡單快捷。強大的小Raspberry Pi Zero只是在等待你釋放你的創造者的創造力,並建立你熱愛的項目。通過GrovePi Zero,您可以在幾分鐘內開始連接的設備項目。GrovePi Zero簡化了您的項目:沒有更多的跳線,沒有更多的麵包板,也沒有更多的零件可以讓您的物聯網設備生機勃勃。


GrovePi Zero (GrovePi0)樹梅派 Zero wifi Grove 擴展板


GrovePi Zero(GrovePi0)

The GrovePi Zero makes electronics prototyping with the Raspberry Pi Zero easy and fast. The powerful little Raspberry Pi Zero is just waiting for you to release your maker creativity and build the projects you’re passionate about. With the GrovePi Zero you can start your connected device projects in minutes.
The GrovePi Zero simplifies making your project: there are no more jumpers, no more breadboards, and no more loose parts to bring your Internet of Things devices to life.
You can use the hundreds of sensors offered in the Grove module family: everything from a distance sensor, light sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, buttons, and displays. There are literally hundreds of electronic modules for your project!
The GrovePi Zero has 6 ports. GrovePi Zero has a compact form factor, making your design small. The design fits neatly over the Raspberry Pi Zero.

  • GrovePi Zero will NOT work with the original Raspberry Pi Model A & Raspberry Pi Model B
  • The Raspberry Pi Zero comes without pins installed, so if you want to connect the GrovePi Zero to the Raspberry Pi Zero, you will need to solder the pins to the Raspberry Pi Zero.


GrovePi ZeroTechnical Details

Dimensions 85mm x 29.5mm x 23.5mm
Weight G.W 22.3g
Battery Exclude
Analog Ports 2
Serial Port 1
Digital ports 2

GrovePi Zero Part List

GrovePi Zero Board 1



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