
HTU21 數位微型型溫濕度感測器模組 GY-21 溫溼度傳感氣模組 I2C 通訊

原始價格:NT$280。目前價格:NT$235。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: SNS-002613 分類: 標籤: , , , , , , , , ,


HTU21 數位微型型溫濕度感測器模組 GY-21 溫溼度傳感氣模組 I2C 通訊

HTU21 數位微型型溫濕度感測器模組是一種低成本,容易使用的,高度精確的,數字濕度傳感器。您所需要的只有兩條線路用於I 2 C通信,您將獲得相對濕度讀數,例如“45.2%”或“23.1%”以及非常準確的溫度讀數是本模組的特素! 可以輕鬆取代 DHT22,DHT11 SHT11 , 微型高精度的溫溼度模組, 是您開發微型設備不可或缺的選擇之一。

HTU21 數位微型型溫濕度感測器模組 是由MEAS輸出溫度的新型數字濕度傳感器。在尺寸和智能方面樹立了新標準,嵌入了可回流焊接的雙扁平無引線(DFN)封裝,尺寸僅為3 x 3 x 0.9 mm。該傳感器以數字I²C格式提供校準的線性化信號。HTU21D(F)數字濕度傳感器是專為需要可靠和精確測量的OEM 應用而設計的濕度和溫度即插即用傳感器。用於濕度和溫度數字輸出的模塊可實現與微控制器的直接接口。這些低功率傳感器專為高容量和成本敏感型應用而設計,空間狹小。

每個傳感器都經過單獨校準和測試。批號標識印在傳感器上,電子標識碼存儲在芯片上 – 可以通過命令讀出。可以檢測到電池電量不足,並通過校驗和提高通信可靠性。這些數字濕度傳感器的分辨率可以通過命令(RH / T為8 / 12bit到12 / 14bit)進行更改。

  • 電壓:2.1V至3.6V
  • 低功耗:-0.15uA
  • I2C接口
  • 分辨率:0.04%RH,0.02°C
  • 精度:±2%RH,±3°C

HTU21 數位微型型溫濕度感測器模組


GY-21 HTU21 Digital Humidity Temperature Sensor Module Replace SHT11 SHT15

The Humidity and Temperature Sensor is an Arduino-compatible sensor board that carries an SHT21 digital humidity and temperature sensor from Sensirion. It has a 4-pin interface that can communicate directly with the analog pins on the Arduino.
The SHT21 utilizes a capacitive sensor element to measure humidity, while the temperature is measured by a band gap sensor. Both sensors are seamlessly coupled to a 14-bit ADC, which then transmits digital data to the Arduino over the I2C protocol. Because of the sensor¡¯s tiny size, it has incredibly low power consumption, making it suited for virtually any application.


  • * Energy consumption: 80 uW (at 12 bit, 3V, 1 measurement/s)
  • * Relative Humidity operating range: 0-100% RH
  • * Relative Humidity resolution of 0.03%
  • * Relative Humidity Response Time of 8 sec (tau 63%)
  • * Temperature operating range: -40 to +125¡æ
  • * Temperature resolution of 0.01 C
  • * 4 pins: +5V, GND, Clock (SCL), Data (SDA)
  • * Bidirectional communication over a single pin on I2C protocol
  • * Board is 5V tolerant, allowing sensor to run from a 5V supply on Arduino I/O pins


  • * Homes, basements and HVAC systems for measuring humidity
  • * People with physical conditions sensitive to humidity
  • * Home ventilating, heating and air conditioning systems
  • * Meteorology stations to predict or check weather temperatures
  • * Gardens or greenhouses to check humidity and temperatures



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