
ISD1820 錄放音模組 語音模組 錄放音帶音聲音放大 送 0.5W 喇叭 Arduino 可控制

原始價格:NT$120。目前價格:NT$95。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: OMD-004155 分類: 標籤: , ,


ISD1820 錄放音模組 語音模組 錄放音帶音聲音放大 送 0.5W 喇叭 Arduino 可控制 也可以獨立控制無須任何開發板

購買贈送 Arduino 函數庫可以針對 ISD1820 錄音模組透過 Arduino 來進行錄音與播放功能。ISD1820 錄放音模組 基於ISD18B20,它是一種單芯片單消息記錄/回放設備。記錄存儲在片上非易失性存儲器中,提供零功率消息存儲。使用嵌入式閃存,可以達到長達100年的數據保留和典型的100,000次擦除/記錄週期。錄音時間為10秒。

ISD1820 錄放音模組 特徵

  • 嵌入式話筒
  • 支持3種播放模式:循環,選擇和一次性
  • 自動斷電模式
  • 片上8Ω揚聲器驅動器
  • 信號3V電源
  • 可以手動或通過MCU進行控制
  • 通過更換單個電阻可以改變採樣率和持續時間
  • 錄製長達10秒的聲音
  • 包括8歐姆0.5W揚聲器

ISD1820 錄放音模組 特色

  • 使用方便的10s語音錄
  • 高質量、自然的語音還原
  • 可用作喊話器模塊
  • 帶循環播放、點動播放,單遍播放功能
  • 可用單片機控制
  • 本模組可直接驅動8歐0.5W小喇叭
  • 供電電源:3-5V,可接排針上電
  • 錄放音控制方式:按鍵控製或單片機,控制線IO已引出。

ISD1820 錄放音模組

1. VCC – 3.3V電源

2. GND – 電源地

3. REC – REC輸入是高電平有效記錄信號。REC為HIGH時,模塊開始記錄。在錄製期間,此引腳必須保持高電平。REC優先於播放(PLAYL或PLAYE)信號。

4. PLAYE -回放,邊沿激活:當檢測到在高跳變繼續進行,直到一個結束消息(EOM)標誌物在遇到或到達存儲器空間的末尾。

5. PLAYL – 播放,電平激活,當此輸入引腳電平轉換為LOW至HIGH時,啟動播放週期。

6.揚聲器輸出 – SP +和SP-引腳為阻抗低至8Ω的揚聲器提供直接驅動。

7. 麥克風 – 麥克風輸入,麥克風輸入將其信號傳輸到片上前置放大器。

8. FT – 饋通:通過連接迷你跳線,此模式可使麥克風直接驅動揚聲器。

9. P-E – 通過連接迷你跳線,無休止地播放唱片。

Voice Record & Playback Module ISD1820 (Up to 10s) w/ Speaker

This module board is based on ISD18B20, which is a single-chip single-message record/playback device. Recordings are stored into on-chip non-volatile memory, providing zero-power message storage. With the embedded Flash memory employed, data retention up to 100 years and typical 100,000 erase/record cycles can be reached. Time for recording is 10 seconds.


  • Embedded microphone
  • Support 3 playing mode: Loop, select and one-time
  • Automatic power-down mode
  • On-chip 8Ω speaker driver
  • Signal 3V Power Supply
  • Can be controlled both manually or by MCU
  • Sample rate and duration changable by replacing a single resistor
  • Record up to 10 seconds of voice
  • 8 ohm 0.5W speaker included
  • Arduino Compatible


  • Operating voltage: 3V – 5V DC
  • Dimensions: 38 x 42.5 mm

 Record Operate Guide

  • 1. Push REC button then the RECLED(D1) will light and keep push until record end.
  • 2. Release the REC button.
  • 3. Select Playback mode:
  • -> PLAYE, just need push one time, and will playback all of the record or power down.
  • -> PLAYL, you need always push this button until you want to stop playback record or end.
  • -> REPEAT, switch 5 to right side, and the record will playback time a time until switch to light or power down.
  • 4. FT mode, when you switch 6 to right side, that means all of you speak to MIC will direct playback from Speaker.



Speaker Outputs – The SP+ and SP- pins provide direct drive for loudspeakers with impedances as low as 8Ω.

MIC – Microphone Input, the microphone input transfers its signals to the on-chip preamplifier.


VCC – 3.3V power supply

GND – Power ground

FT – Feed Through, active-HIGH: This mode allows use of the speaker drivers for external signals.To operate this mode, the control pins REC, PLAYE and PLAYL are held LOW at Vss. The pin FT is held HIGH to Vcc. For normal operation of record, play and power down, the FT pin is held at Vss. The FT pin has a weak pull-down to Vss.

P-L – Playback, active-HIGH, Level-activated: When this input pin level transits for LOW to HIGH, a playback cycle is initiated.

P-E – Playback, active-HIGH, Edge-activated: When a HIGH going transition is detected on continues until an End-of-Message (EOM) marker is encountered or the end of the memory space is reached.

REC – The REC input is an active-HIGH record signal.The device records whenever REC is HIGH. This pin must remain HIGH for the duration of the recording. REC takes precedence over either playback(PLAYL or PLAYE) signal.



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