
MAX471 電流感測器模組 GY-471 3A量程 精密電流檢測 放大器模組

原始價格:NT$110。目前價格:NT$90。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: VMD-002582 分類: 標籤: , , , , , , , ,


MAX471 電流感測器模組 GY-471 3A量程 精密電流檢測 放大器模組

MAX471 電流感測器模組 (HCSENS0041)是一款完整的雙向高端電流檢測放大器,適用於便攜式PC,電話以及電池/直流電源線監測至關重要的其他系統。高端電力線監控在電池供電系統中特別有用,因為它不會干擾經常在“智能”電池中找到的電池充電器或監視器的接地路徑。MAX471 電流感測器模組 內置35mΩ電流檢測電阻,可測量高達±3A的電池電流。 MAX471 電流感測器模組 具有內置2K歐姆傳感器,可為模塊提供+/- 3A的完整傳感器範圍。集電極開路SIGN輸出指示電流方向,因此用戶可以監控電池是否正在充電或放電。工作溫度範圍為3V至36V,整個溫度範圍內的電流消耗小於100μA

電流SENS最大:+/- 3A
傳感器輸出:1V / AMP
尺寸: 20mm x 19.5mm


RS + ………負載正電源(3至36V)
RS -……連接負載或充電器

RS + …… …替代負載正電源(3至36V)
GND ………連接至負載0V / GND電源
OUT ……….電流傳感器輸出(1V / Amp,最大3V )
SIGN ……..電流方向一個開路集電極邏輯輸出(低電平=電流從RS +流向RS-)。
GND ………備用GND(連接到負載0V / GND電源)
RS -……替代負載/充電器連接。


GY-471 3A Range MAX471 Current Module Current Sense Current Sensor Current Measurement

  • size:19.5*20.3mm
  • This module can be used to test the current and voltage.
  • The principle of voltage test based on principle of resistive voltage divider design, can make the red terminal connector input voltage to 5 times smaller. analog input voltages up to 5 v, the voltage detection module input voltage not greater than 5Vx5=25V (if using 3.3V systems, input voltage not greater than 3.3Vx5=16.5V). AVR chips have 10-bit AD, so this module simulates a resolution of 0.00489V (5V/1023), so the minimum voltage of input voltage detection module is 0.00489Vx5=0.02445V.
  • The MAX471 chip on the board used to test the consume current of the load.
  • color:purple

Description :
1. The principle of voltage test is based on principle of resistive voltage divider design,
it can make the red terminal connector input voltage to 5 times smaller, analog input voltage will up to 5V,
the voltage detection module input voltage is not greater than 5Vx5=25V (if using 3.3V systems, input voltage will not be greater than 3.3Vx5=16.5V).
2. AVR chips have 10-bit AD, so this module simulates a resolution of 0.00489V (5V/1023),
so the minimum voltage of input voltage detection module is 0.00489Vx5=0.02445V.
3. The MAX471 chip on the board is used to test the consume current of the load.
4. This module can be used to test the current and voltage.



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