
MEGA2560 PRO 工控崁入式設備開發板 最迷你板的 Arduino MEGA2560

原始價格:NT$650。目前價格:NT$530。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: ADB-005989 分類: 標籤: , , , ,


MEGA2560 PRO 工控崁入式設備開發板 最迷你板的 Arduino MEGA2560

Arduino UNO 腳位不夠多 ?  MEGA2560 體積太大? 是沒看錯,我們把 MEGA2560 縮小了,比一片 UNO 還要小。 MEGA2560 PRO CH340G / ATmega2560 – 相容Mega 2560  開發板, 基於Atmel ATmega2560微控制器和USB-UART接口晶片CH340G構建。 電路板尺寸緊湊,尺寸為38x55mm。這是一個很好的解決方案。 主板功能類似於Arduino Mega 2560.它是嵌入式主板,但同樣穩定,並採用原裝芯片ATmega2560(16 MHz)。 該板使用芯片CH340G作為轉換器UART-USB。當您在頻率12MHz的工作時,提供穩定的數據交換結果(需要安裝驅動程式到電腦)。 Mega PRO(嵌入式)2560 CH340G / ATmega2560 – 通過microUSB傳輸?連接到電腦。 您可以通過MicroUSB連接器為電路板供電或為插針供電。電壓調節器(LDO)可以處理6V至9V(峰值18V)DC的輸入電壓。輸出電流為5V – 約800mA,3.3V – 約800mA(請注意,輸入電壓越高,輸出電流越低)。這將為您的大部分初始周邊設備提供可靠的電源。



尺寸Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU 尺寸Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU

輸入和輸出(I / O)圖

尺寸Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU 尺寸Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU


尺寸Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU

Eagle CAD庫

Eagle CAD庫適用於Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU


尺寸Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU


適用於Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU的Windows驅動程序 適用於Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU的Linux驅動程序 適用於Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU的Mac OS驅動程序 適用於Mega 2560 PRO(嵌入式)CH340G / ATmega2560-16AU的Android驅動程序

Mega 2560 PRO (Embed) CH340G/ATmega2560-16AU

The MEGA2560 PRO Embed CH340G / ATmega2560 board is based on the ATmega2560 microcontroller and the USB-UART adapter CH340. The board is compatible with Arduino Mega 2560.

The board has a compact form factor of 38X55mm and is an excellent solution for developing projects based on ATmega2560.

The Mega Pro Embed functionalities are identical to the Arduino Mega 2560. Even though it is an Embed board, it is solid stable as the Mega Board. It uses the original chip, and a 16 MHz high-quality quartz resonators is present on the board.

The board has a Micro USB connector that allows you to connect the microcontroller to the computer via the USB-UART adapter CH340(A driver installation may be required). Download drivers: WindowsLinuxMacAndroid.

The board can be powered directly through the Micro USB connector, or via the corresponding contact on the board (Vin). The used voltage regulator operates in a range of 6 to 9V DC.

The maximum output current upon 5V is around 800mA, while on the 3.3V it is about 800mA.

The voltage regulator allows to use up to 18V as an input value, however we do not recommend exceeding the recommended values aforementioned, since this can lead to excessive heat and damage the device.

On the picture you can see real size of this board, compare with size of Mega Rev3:



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