
MLX90614ESF DAA 紅外線溫度檢測模組 非接觸式測溫傳感器模組

◎ MLX90614ESF 紅外線溫度檢測模組 使用晶片:MLX90614 DAA
◎ 供電電源:DC3~5V(內部低壓差穩壓)
◎ 通信方式:標準IIC通信協議
◎ MLX90614紅外測溫傳感器模組 紅外非接觸溫度計,TO-39金屬封裝裡同時集成了紅外感應熱電堆探測器芯片和信號處理專用集成芯片。由於集成了低噪聲放大器、17位模數轉換器和強大的數字信號處理單元,使得高精度和高分辨度的溫度計得以實現。


  • 測距是2cm
  • 10k使用可選的焊接跳線為I2C接口拉電阻
  • 工廠在寬溫度範圍內校準:傳感器溫度為-40 + 125℃
  • -70 + 380C用於物體溫度。
  • 在較寬的溫度範圍內具有0.5C的高精度(Ta和To均為0 + 50C)高(醫療)精度校準
  • 測量分辨率為0.02C
  • 單區和雙區版本
  • SMBus兼容數字接口
  • 可定制的PWM輸出用於連續讀取
  • 簡單適應816V應用
  • 應用程序和測量多功能性的不同包裝選項


  • 高精度的非接觸式溫度測量
  • 移動空調控制系統的熱舒適傳感器
  • 用於住宅,商業和工業建築空調的溫度感應元件擋風玻璃除霧
  • 汽車盲區檢測
  • 運動部件的工業溫度控制
  • 打印機和復印機的溫度控制
  • 溫度控制的家用電器
  • 衛生保健
  • 家畜監測
  • 運動檢測
  • 多區域溫度控制最多127個傳感器可以通過普通2線讀取
  • 熱繼電器/警報
  • 體溫測量

MLX90614ESF GY-906 IR Infrared Body Temperature Sensor Non Contact Thermometer Breakout Board for Arduino I2C Interface

  • Read temperature without touching the object you’re measuring with the MLX90614 Infrared (IR) Thermometer Sensor
  • Connect the two-wire interface (I2C) to your Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, etc.
  • Supply voltage range is 4.5~5.5VDC
  • MLX90614 includes a low noise amplifier, a 17-bit ADC, and a powerful DSP module in a TO-39 throug-hole package
  • Includes 4-Pin header for easy connection to your development boards or solderless breadboard

This breakout board provides a convenient way to start using the fantastic MLX90614 module, a high precision, small size, single-zone IR thermometer (temperature sensor)!

Want to read temperature without touching the object you’re measuring? Then the MLX90614 IR Thermometer is the sensor for you! By detecting the Infra-Red (IR) light emitted by an object, this IC can read temperatures between –95 and 720ºF (–70 and 382.2°C) with a whopping 17-bit resolution. That’s 128 times more precise than the ADC on the ATmega328 microcontroller onboard an Arduino UNO, and implies that the sensor can distinguish temperatures between 25ºC and 25.02ºC without even coming in contact with the object!

This breakout board makes it easy to connect this sensor to your microcontroller board or single-board computer such as Arduino, ESP8266, BeagleBone or Raspberry Pi! The four pins correspond to power (VCC, GND) and I2C communication (SDA, SCL). We’ve included in our design pull-up resistors on the I2C lines as customary. They can be disabled, as usual, by using the solder jumpers on the back of the board.


  • The onboard MLX90614 includes a low noise amplifier, a 17-bit ADC, and a powerful DSP module in a TO-39 throug-hole package
  • This 0.45in×0.66in breakout PCB facilitates using the MLX90614, specially on solderless breadboards!
  • Sturdy (1.6mm), blue PCB with a 4-pin header on one side (Vdd, Vss, SDA, and SCL)
  • 4-Pin header included (requires soldering!)




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