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MQ-9 一氧化碳可燃氣體感測器 支援檢測報警觸發
適用於家庭或工廠的氣體洩漏監測裝置,適宜於一氧化碳、可燃氣體等監測裝置, 可測試一氧化碳10 to 1000ppm CO、可燃氣體100 to 10000ppm範圍
- 1、採用優質雙面板設計,具有電源指示和TTL信號輸出指示;
- 2、具有DO開關信號(TTL)輸出和AO類比信號輸出;
- 3、TTL輸出有效信號為低電平。(當輸出低電平時信號燈亮,可直接接單片機或繼電器模組)
- 4、類比量輸出的電壓隨濃度越高電壓越高。
- 5、對一氧化碳檢測有較好的靈敏度。
- 6、有四個螺絲孔便於定位;
- 7、產品外形尺寸:32(L)*20(W)*22(H)
- 8、具有長期的使用壽命和可靠的穩定性
- 9、快速的回應恢復特性
- 輸入電壓:DC5V 功耗(電流):150mA
- DO輸出:TTL數字量0和1(0.1和5V)
- AO輸出:0.1-0.3V(相對無污染),最高濃度電壓4V左右
- 特別提醒:感測器通電後,需要預熱20S左右,測量的資料才穩定,感測器發熱屬於正常現象,因為內部有電熱絲,如果燙手就不正常了。
Arduino 範例程式碼 適用於所有 MQ 氣體感測器
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/* MQ Sensor Circuit with Arduino */ const int AOUTpin=0;//the AOUT pin of the MQ sensor goes into analog pin A0 of the arduino const int DOUTpin=8;//the DOUT pin of the MQ sensor goes into digital pin D8 of the arduino const int ledPin=13;//the anode of the LED connects to digital pin D13 of the arduino int limit; int value; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200);//sets the baud rate pinMode(DOUTpin, INPUT);//sets the pin as an input to the arduino pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);//sets the pin as an output of the arduino } void loop() { value= analogRead(AOUTpin);//reads the analaog value from the MQ sensor's AOUT pin limit= digitalRead(DOUTpin);//reads the digital value from the MQ sensor's DOUT pin Serial.print("Gas value: "); Serial.println(value);//prints the CO value Serial.print("Limit: "); Serial.print(limit);//prints the limit reached as either LOW or HIGH (above or underneath) delay(100); if (limit == HIGH){ digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);//if limit has been reached, LED turns on as status indicator } else{ digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);//if threshold not reached, LED remains off } } |