
OpenMV Cam M7 專用擴展板 IO Expansion Shield for OpenMV Cam M7

原始價格:NT$200。目前價格:NT$175。 (未稅)


OpenMV Cam M7 專用擴展板 IO Expansion Shield for OpenMV Cam M7

OpenMV Cam M7 專用擴展板 ( Gravity: OpenMV Cam M7 I/O擴展板 ) 是一款專為 OpenMV Cam M7 設計的多功能擴展板,兼容Gravity系列各類傳感器和電子模塊,即插即用,無需焊接,不但為你省去了繁瑣的連線、焊接等操作,而且能幫助你快速外接並上手各類傳感器或電子模塊,更快的搭建出原型。

擴展板配備了一個5V的外接供電接口和一個3.3V/VIN電源切換開關,支持電機、舵機等大電流元件;最大限度的引出了OpenMV的管腳:引出了9組數字口、1組模擬口、1組串口、2組I2C口;板載3.3V LDO,滿足多個模塊同時使用時的用電需求。


  • 外接電源輸入電壓(板載USB口):5.0±0.1V
  • 外接電源輸入電流(板載USB口):<1A
  • 接口方式:Gravity系列標準接口
  • 接口引出:9組數字口、1組模擬口、1組串口、2組I2C口
  • 接口信號電平:高電平3.3V,低電平0V
  • 模擬量輸入範圍:0~3.3V
  • 板載LDO輸出電壓:3.3V
  • 板載LDO輸出電流:<500mA
  • 尺寸:35.6mm*24.8mm


標號 名稱 功能描述
1 數字端口 外接Gravity系列的數字傳感器或模塊,端口供電電壓3.3V
2 電源切換
3 復位按鍵 對OpenMV主板復位,按一下即可複位
4 數字端口
5 UART端口 外接Gravity系列的串口傳感器或模塊,端口供電電壓3.3V
引出管腳:P0、P1(UART 1)
6 外接電源口 用於外接5V電源(此接口僅供電)
7 模擬端口 外接Gravity系列的模擬傳感器或模塊,端口供電電壓3.3V
8 I2C端口 外接Gravity系列的I2C傳感器或模塊,端口供電電壓3.3V
引出管腳:P4、P5(I2C 2)


OpenMV Cam M7 專用擴展板


本教程以2個案例來演示如何使用這款 OpenMV Cam M7 專用擴展板。


  • 硬件
    • 1 x OpenMV Cam M7智能攝像頭(機器視覺)主板
    • 1 x OpenMV Cam M7 專用擴展板 ( Gravity: OpenMV Cam M7 I/O傳感器擴展板 )
    • 1 x 3Pin傳感器連接線(或若干杜邦線)
    • 2 x micro USB數據線
    • 1 x 模擬聲音傳感器或類似的傳感器模塊
    • 1 x DMS-MG90金屬9g舵機或類似的舵機
  • 軟件




Openmv sound wire.jpg

OpenMV Cam M7 專用擴展板 注意事項:

  • 1.擴展板的USB接口僅作供電使用,無數據通信功能,因此無法用於程序上傳或調試。USB接口的持續工作電流建議控制在1A以內。
  • 2.擴展板插到主板時,請注意方向,不要插反。擴展板插到主板上後,擴展板的USB接口應與主板的USB接口在同一側,上下對齊。
  • 3.由於OpenMV工作於3.3V,因此受電壓限制,不支持5V的模擬量輸入,所有的信號管腳電平也是0~3.3V。
  • 4.如需驅動舵機、電機等大電流元件,請接至P7~P9端口,接好外接電源,將電源切換開關撥至VIN,否則可能由於電流過大造成主板損壞。
  • 5.除P7~P9端口的電源電壓可由電源切換開關選擇3.3V或VIN,其餘端​​口的電源電壓都為3.3V。


Gravity I/O Expansion Shield for OpenMV Cam M7

Gravity: I/O Expansion Shield for OpenMV Cam M7 is an expansion shield specially designed for the OpenMV Cam M7. It is compatible with various sensors and electronic modules of Gravity series, plug and play, no soldering required. It not only helps you avoid the complex wiring , welding and other operations, but also helps you quickly complete wiring and get started with the sensors or electronic modules, to build prototypes faster.This expansion shield is equipped with a 5V USB external power supply port and a 3.3V/VIN power switch, which makes the expansion shield able to drive high current components such as motors and servos. There are 9 sets of digital ports, 1 set of analog port, 1 set of serial port and 2 sets of I2C ports on the expansion shield. Additional, there is an onboard 3.3V LDO, which meets the power demand of multiple modules at the same time.Attention:

  1. The USB port of the expansion shield is only used for power supply, so it cannot be used for programming or debugging. The continuous current of the USB port is recommended to be controlled within 1A.
  2. When put the expansion shield on the OpenMV motherboard, please pay attention to the direction. The USB port of the expansion shield should be on the same side as the USB port of the OpenMV motherboard.
  3. Because OpenMV motherboard works at 3.3V, limited by the voltage, it does not support 5V analog input. All signal pins are 0~3.3V.
  4. If you need to drive high current components such as servos and motors, please connect them to P7~P9 ports, then connect the external power supply, and turn the power switch to VIN side. Otherwise, the OpenMV motherboard may be damaged due to high current.
  5. The power supply of P7,P8,P9 port can be selected 3.3V or VIN by the power switch. The power supply voltage of the remaining ports are all 3.3V.
Gravity: I/O Expansion Shield for OpenMV Cam M7 Connection With Servo OpenMV Cam M7 專用擴展板


  1. Onboard 5V external power port and 3.3V/VIN power switch, which makes the expansion shield able to drive high current components such as motors and servos
  2. Color-coded Gravity connector, compatible with various sensors or modules of Gravity series, plug and play, no soldering required
  3. 9 sets of digital ports, 1 set of analog port, 1 set of serial port, 2 sets of I2C ports


  • External Power Supply Voltage (onboard USB port): 5.0±0.1V
  • External Power Input Current (onboard USB port): <1A
  • Connector: Gravity series standard connector
  • Ports: 9 sets of digital ports, 1 set of analog port, 1 set of serial port, 2 sets of I2C ports
  • Interface Signal Level: High Level 3.3V, Low Level 0V
  • Analog Input Range: 0~3.3V
  • Onboard LDO Output Voltage: 3.3V
  • Onboard LDO Output Current: <500mA
  • Board Size: 35.6mm*24.8mm



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