
SHT20 數字型溫濕度感測器模組 I2C通訊 高精度微型方便開發

原始價格:NT$250。目前價格:NT$145。 (未稅)



SHT20 數字型溫濕度感測器模組  I2C通訊 高精度微型方便開發

SHT20 數字型溫濕度感測器模組 ,基於數字傳感技術,具有很高的可靠性和長期穩定性。全量程標定,兩線數字接口,可與單片機直接相連,大大縮短研發時間、簡化外圍電路並降低費用。此外,體積微小、響應迅速、低能耗、可浸沒、抗干擾能力強、溫濕一體,兼有露點測量,性價比高,使該產品能夠適於多種場合的應用。


  • 1、濕度測量範圍:0~100%RH
  • 2、濕度測量精度:±3%RH
  • 3、溫度測量範圍:-40~125℃
  • 4、溫度測量精度:±0.3℃
  • 5、工作電壓:2.1~3.6VDC(請注意:請勿使用5V供電!!!)
  • 6、I2C接口輸出

SHT20 數字型溫濕度感測器模組

Arduino 範例


數字濕度感測器 SHT20 採用(RH / T)


數字 SHT2x 採用濕度傳感器系列是大批量使用在各種各樣的應用程序,並已於今天成為事實上的行業標準。所述SHT2x採用系列包括一個低成本版本與SHT20濕度傳感器,一個標準的版本與所述SHT21濕度傳感器,和一個高端版本與SHT25濕度傳感器。打開腔模包 – 它封裝除了濕度傳感器區域的完整的芯片 – 保護免受外部衝擊的電容式濕度傳感器,並促進良好的長期穩定性。在對SHT2x傳感器是在大,小體積都可用。

Digital Humidity Sensor SHT2x (RH/T)

Used For A Variety Of Applications And Has Become The Industry Standard

The digital SHT2x humidity sensor series is used in high volumes in a wide variety of applications and has today become the de facto industry standard. The SHT2x series consists of a low-cost version with the SHT20 humidity sensor, a standard version with the SHT21 humidity sensor, and a high-end version with the SHT25 humidity sensor. The open cavity mold package – which encapsulates the complete chip except for the humidity sensor area – protects the capacitive humidity sensor against external impact and facilitates excellent long-term stability. The SHT2x sensors are available both in large and small volumes.


Every sensor is individually calibrated and tested. Lot identification is printed on the sensor and an electronic identification code is stored on the chip – which can be read out on command. Furthermore, the resolution of the SHT2x humidity sensor can be changed on command (8/12 bit up to 12/14 bit for RH/T) and a checksum helps to improve communication reliability. With this set of features and its proven reliability and long-term stability, the SHT2x humidity sensor series offers an outstanding price-performance ratio. To test a humidity sensor from the SHT2x series, two evaluation kits, EK-H4 and EK-H5, are available.

Sensirion Humidity Sensors SHT2x



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