
SHT31 Sensirion 第三代高精度 溫濕度感測器模組 I2C通訊 數字型 DIS 寬電壓

原始價格:NT$360。目前價格:NT$320。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: SNT-003571 分類: 標籤: , , , , , , , , ,


SHT31 Sensirion 第三代高精度 溫濕度感測器模組 I2C通訊 數字型 DIS 寬電壓

SHT31 高精度 溫濕度感測器模組 典型精度可以是±2%RH(相對濕度)和±0.3°C(溫度)。該模塊與3.3伏和5伏兼容,因此不需要電壓電平轉換器。該模塊使用I 2 C串行總線進行通信,速度可達1 MHz。我們還提供了一個高度抽象的庫,使該產品更易於使用。

SHT31 適用於各種應用的同類最佳濕度傳感器,新型數字SHT3x濕度傳感器系列將傳感器技術提升到了一個新的高度。作為SHT2x系列的後續產品,它決定在濕度傳感方面設定下一個行業標準。SHT3x濕度傳感器系列包括帶SHT30濕度傳感器的低成本版本,帶SHT31濕度傳感器的標準版本和帶SHT35濕度傳感器的高端版本。SHT3x濕度傳感器系列結合了多種功能和各種接口(I 2 C,模擬電壓輸出),具有應用友好,非常寬的工作電壓範圍(2.15至5.5 V)。SHT3x濕度傳感器有大容量和小容量可供選擇。

SHT3x基於全新的優化CMOSens®芯片,可提高可靠性並改善精度規格。SHT3x提供一系列新功能,例如增強的信號處理,兩個獨特的用戶可選I 2 C地址,一個具有可編程濕度和溫度限制的警報模式,以及高達1 MHz的通信速度。

DFN封裝的佔位面積為2.5×2.5 mm 2,高度為0.9 mm。這允許將SHT3x集成到各種應用中。此外,2.15至5.5 V的寬電源電壓範圍和各種可用接口可確保兼容各種集成要求。總而言之,SHT3x濕度傳感器系列融合了濕度傳感器行業領導者Sensirion 15年的知識。

傳感器芯片 SHT31(DATASHEET 數據表



SHT31-DIS Humidity and Temperature Sensor

  • Fully calibrated, linearized, and temperature compensated digital output
  • Wide supply voltage range, from 2.4 V to 5.5 V
  • I2C Interface with communication speeds up to 1MHz and two user selectable addresses
  • Typical accuracy of  1.5 % RH and  0.2 °C for SHT31
  • Very fast start-up and measurement time
  • Tiny 8-Pin DFN package


SHT31 Sensirion 第三代高精度 溫濕度感測器模組 I2C通訊 數字型 DIS 寬電壓



Sensiron Temperature/Humidity sensors are some of the finest & highest-accuracy devices you can get. And, finally we have some that have a true I2C interface for easy reading. The SHT31 sensor has an excellent ±2% relative humidity and ±0.3°C accuracy for most uses. We now use the version with a PTFE filter, it’ll stay clean while still allowing humidity measurements to work

Unlike earlier SHT sensors, this sensor has a true I2C interface, and (bonus!) even with two address options. It also is 3V or 5V compliant, so you can power and communicate with it using just about any microcontroller or microcomputer.

Such a lovely chip – so we spun up a breakout board with the SHT31 and some supporting circuitry such as pullup resistors and capacitors. Each order comes with one fully assembled and tested PCB breakout and a small piece of header. You’ll need to solder the header onto the PCB but it’s fairly easy and takes only a few minutes even for a beginner.



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