
SparkFun 聚合物鋰電池電量計 LiPo Fuel Gauge MAX17043G 鋰電池電量計模組 原裝進口

原始價格:NT$480。目前價格:NT$395。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: GEM-013590 分類: , 標籤:


SparkFun 聚合物鋰電池電量計 LiPo Fuel Gauge鋰電池電量計模組 原裝進口  非中國製假晶片比擬

LiPo電池是為您的項目提供電力的一種絕佳方式。它們體積小、重量輕,對於其大小來說性能強大。不幸的是,即使是最好的電池最終也會耗盡電力,而當它們耗盡電力時,通常是在意想不到的時候(而且是在最壞的時候)。下次當您的電路板突然關機時,不要被突如其來的情況所困擾!SparkFun LiPo燃料計將您的電池連接到項目中,並使用複雜的算法來檢測相對充電狀態和對電池電壓的直接A/D測量。換句話說,它告訴您的微控制器油箱中還有多少“燃料”。LiPo燃料計通過I2C與項目通信,並且警報引腳還會在充電降至某個百分比以下時通知您。


  • 單節鋰離子電池電量監測系統
  • 可連接在電路中以監控電池。
  • 硬體和軟體重置。
  • I2C介面


LiPo batteries are a great way to power your projects. They’re small, lightweight, and pack a pretty good punch for their size. Unfortunately, even the best batteries eventually run low on power and when they do it’s often unexpected (and at the worst time). Don’t be caught by surprise next time your board suddenly powers-down! The SparkFun LiPo Fuel Gauge connects your battery to your project and uses a sophisticated algorithm to detect relative state of charge and direct A/D measurement of battery voltage. In other words, it tells your microcontroller how much ‘fuel’ is left in the tank. The LiPo Fuel Gauge communicates with your project over I2C and an alert pin also tells you when the charge has dropped below a certain percentage.


  • Fuel gauge system for single cell lithium ion batteries
  • Can be connected in circuit to monitor battery.
  • Hardware and Software Reset.
  • I2C Interface



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