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SparkFun Air Quality Sensor – SGP30 (Qwiic) 偵測二氧化碳與 TVOC
SparkFun Air Quality Sensor – SGP30 空氣質量傳感器通過監視傳感器周圍的揮發性有機化合物,提供有關您房間或房屋中空氣質量的信息。SGP30空氣質量傳感器可以在上電後15秒內返回有效的室內空氣質量(IAQ)讀數!相比之下,典型的空氣質量(IAQ)傳感器非常適合測量CO 2和揮發性有機化合物(VOC),但其中一些需要48小時的預燒時間和20分鐘的啟動時間。
除了非常快速的啟動時間外,Sensirion的SGP30還非常耐其他氣體的污染,以確保低漂移和長期穩定性,從而獲得非常可靠的結果。您可以讀取SGP30氣體傳感器的總VOC(TVOC)輸出量(十億分之一(ppb)),二氧化碳(CO 2)等效量(百萬分之一(ppm))和H 2。
SGP30通過I 2 C進行通信,因此自然而然地,我們將傳感器上的引腳斷開到Qwiic連接器,因此您可以輕鬆地將其連接到SparkFun不斷發展的Qwiic生態系統!
- 使用I 2 C接口(啟用Qwiic)
- I 2 C地址:0x58
- 2個Qwiic連接器
- 工作電壓範圍
- 1.62V-1.98V(典型值1.8V)
- 調節到1.8V從3.3V如果使用Qwiic電纜源
- TVOC輸出信號
- 輸出範圍:0 ppb至60,000 ppb
- 分辨率:平均 13 ppb。有關詳細信息,請參見數據表
- CO 2輸出信號
- 輸出範圍:400 ppm至60,000 ppm
- 分辨率:平均 11ppm。有關詳細信息,請參見數據表
- 乙醇信號
- 測量範圍:0 ppm至1,000 ppm
- 精度:典型值 測量值的15%。值
- 分辨率:測量值的0.2%。值
- H 2信號
- 測量範圍:0 ppm至1,000 ppm
- 精度:典型值 測量值的10%。值
- 分辨率:測量值的0.2%。值
- 典型電流消耗(取決於模式)
- 典型值48.2 mA (測量模式)
- 2µA(典型值)至10µA(休眠模式)
- 原理圖
- 鷹文件
- 聯播指南
- 板子尺寸
- 數據表(SGP30)
- Arduino函數庫
- GitHub硬件回購
SparkFun Air Quality Sensor – SGP30 (Qwiic)
The SparkFun SGP30 Air Quality Sensor provides information on the quality of the air in your room or house by monitoring the volatile organic compounds around the sensor. The SGP30 Air Quality Sensor can return valid indoor air quality (IAQ) readings within 15 seconds of powering up! By comparison, typical air quality (IAQ) sensors are great for measuring CO2 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) but some of them require a burn-in time of 48 hours and a 20-min start up time.
Along with a very quick start-up time, the SGP30 from Sensirion is very resistant to contamination from other gases to ensure low drift and long-term stability for extremely reliable results. You can read the SGP30 gas sensor output measurements of total VOCs (TVOC) in parts per billion (ppb), carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent in parts per million (ppm) and H2.
The SGP30 communicates via I2C so naturally we broke out the pins on the sensor to Qwiic connectors so you can easily connect it to SparkFun’s ever growing Qwiic Ecosystem!
- Uses I2C interface (Qwiic-enabled)
- I2C Address: 0x58
- 2x Qwiic Connectors
- Operating voltage range
- 1.62V – 1.98V (Typ. 1.8V)
- Regulated to 1.8V from a 3.3V source if using the Qwiic cable
- TVOC Output Signal
- Output range: 0 ppb to 60,000 ppb
- Resolution: Avg. 13 ppb. Refer to datasheet for specifics
- CO2 Output Signal
- Output range: 400 ppm to 60,000 ppm
- Resolution: Avg. 11ppm. Refer to datasheet for specifics
- Ethanol Signal
- Measurement Range: 0 ppm to 1,000 ppm
- Accuracy: Typ. 15% of meas. value
- Resolution: 0.2% of meas. value
- H2 Signal
- Measurement Range: 0 ppm to 1,000 ppm
- Accuracy: Typ. 10% of meas. value
- Resolution: 0.2% of meas. value
- Typical current consumption (varies based on mode)
- 48.2 mA Typ. (Measurement Mode)
- 2µA (Typ.) to 10µA (Sleep Mode)
評價 (0)
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