SparkFun Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout – TMP102 數字型溫濕度感測器
NT$240 原始價格:NT$240。NT$230目前價格:NT$230。 (未稅)
- Uses the I2C interface
- 12-bit, 0.0625°C resolution
- Typical temperature accuracy of ±0.5°C
- 3.3V sensor
- Supports up to four TMP102 sensors on the I2C bus at a time
- 描述
- 評價 (0)
SparkFun Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout – TMP102 數字型溫濕度感測器 美國 SparkFun 原裝進口
TMP102是德州儀器公司的一種易於使用的數字溫度傳感器。TMP102Breakout允許您輕鬆將數字溫度傳感器整合到您的項目中。雖然一些溫度傳感器使用的模擬電壓來表示的溫度,TMP102使用I 2阿爾杜伊諾的C總線進行通信的溫度。不用說,這是一個非常方便的傳感器,不需要太多的設置。TMP102能夠讀取分辨率為0.0625°C的溫度,準確度高達0.5°C。該Breakout具有用於I 2 C通信的內置4.7kΩ上拉電阻,並從1.4V運行到3.6V。I 2 C通信使用漏極開路信號,所以不需要使用電平轉換。
- 使用I 2 C接口
- 12位,0.0625°C分辨率
- 典型的溫度精度為±0.5°C
- 3.3V傳感器
- 一次在I 2 C總線上最多支持四個TMP102傳感器
The TMP102 is an easy-to-use digital temperature sensor from Texas Instruments. The TMP102 breakout allows you to easily incorporate the digital temperature sensor into your project. While some temperature sensors use an analog voltage to represent the temperature, the TMP102 uses the I2C bus of the Arduino to communicate the temperature. Needless to say, this is a very handy sensor that doesn’t require much setup. The TMP102 is capable of reading temperatures to a resolution of 0.0625°C, and is accurate up to 0.5°C. The breakout has built-in 4.7kΩ pull-up resistors for I2C communications and runs from 1.4V to 3.6V. I2C communication uses an open drain signaling, so there is no need to use level shifting. Get Started with the TMP102 Breakout Guide
- Uses the I2C interface
- 12-bit, 0.0625°C resolution
- Typical temperature accuracy of ±0.5°C
- 3.3V sensor
- Supports up to four TMP102 sensors on the I2C bus at a time
評價 (0)
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