- 描述
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SparkFun Humidity and Temperature Sensor Breakout – Si7021 美國 SparkFun 原裝進口
Si7021是一款低成本,易於使用,高度精確的數字濕度和溫度傳感器。該傳感器非常適用於環境傳感和數據記錄,非常適合建立氣象站或保濕控制系統。所有你需要的是兩條線路進行I 2 C通信,你將有相對濕度讀數和非常準確的溫度讀數作為獎勵!
只有四個引腳需要連接才能在項目中使用該傳感器。一個用於VCC,一個用於GND和兩條數據線用於I 2 I2C通信。此分線板內置了用於I 2 C通信的4.7KΩ上拉電阻。如果您在同一條總線上連接多個I 2 C設備,則可能需要禁用這些電阻。
- 使用I 2 C接口
- 典型濕度精度為±2%
- 典型的溫度精度為±0.3C
- 在0到100%的濕度條件下工作,但是這種傳感器不適用於可能接觸到水的惡劣環境(如雨水)
- 3.3V傳感器 – 使用在線邏輯電平轉換器或10kΩ電阻來限制5V信號
- 一次只能有一個Si7021傳感器駐留在I 2 C總線上
The Si7021 is a low-cost, easy-to-use, highly accurate, digital humidity and temperature sensor. This sensor is ideal for environmental sensing and data logging and perfect for build a weather stations or humidor control system. All you need are two lines for I2C communication, and you’ll have relative humidity readings and very accurate temperature readings as a bonus! There are only four pins that need to be hooked up in order to start using this sensor in a project. One for VCC, one for GND, and two data lines for I2C communication. This breakout board has built-in 4.7KΩ pullup resistors for I2C communications. If you’re hooking up multiple I2C devices on the same bus, you may want to disable these resistors.
- 0.6″ x 0.6″
- Schematic 概要
- Eagle PCB設計圖
- Datasheet (Si7021-A20)
- Hookup Guide 使用教學說明
- GitHub (Design Files & Example Code)
- GitHub (Library)
評價 (0)
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