
SparkFun Inventors Kit for micro:bit 入門學習套件組 MicroBit 初學者套件組 美國 SparkFun 原裝進口

micro:bit 的 SparkFun Inventors Kit for micro:bit 入門學習套件組 是利用 micro:bit 獲得創意,連接和編碼的好方法。本入門學習套件組不僅提供了 micro:bit 開發版,而且還提供了連接多個電子電路並進行實驗所需的一切!使用 SparkFun Inventors Kit for micro:bit 入門學習套件組 ,您將能夠完成將教會您如何讀取傳感器,移動電機,構建藍牙®設備等的電路。

SparkFun Inventor的 micro:bit 套件是單板計算機套件中最新,最好的套件。圍繞 SparkFun Inventors Kit for micro:bit 入門學習套件組  是一個核心理念 – 任何人都可以(也應該)以有趣而有趣的方式嘗試尖端電子產品,而不會破壞銀行。

該套件不需要任何焊接,並建議所有用戶,從初學者到工程師。我們在“文檔”選項卡中提供了一個完整的實驗指南,供您現在查看!如果您曾經對電子學習感興趣,或者如果您已經使用了原始的 SparkFun Inventor 套件並正在尋找新的東西,SIK for micro:bit 是您的理想選擇!


  • 電路0:你好,micro:bit !
  • 電路1:micro:bit 閃爍LED
  • 電路2:micro:bit 讀取電位器
  • 電路3:micro:bit 讀取光敏電阻
  • 電路4:micro:bit 驅動RGB LED
  • 電路5:micro:bit 讀SPDT開關
  • 電路6:micro:bit 讀按鈕按下
  • 電路7:micro:bit 讀取溫度傳感器
  • 電路8:micro:bit 使用伺服電機
  • 電路9:micro:bit 使用蜂鳴器
  • 電路10:micro:bit 使用加速度計
  • 電路11:micro:bit使用指南針

micro:bit 一台袖珍電腦,可以讓你用數字技術創造出自己的想法。在 micro:bit 和我們的盾牌位板之間,你幾乎可以做任何事情,而且幾乎可以在任何地方進行編碼,定制和控制你的micro:bit。您可以使用您的 micro:bit 來創建各種獨特的作品,從機器人到樂器等等。在信用卡大小的一半,這個多功能的董事會有巨大的潛力!

SparkFun Inventors Kit for micro:bit 入門學習套件組 原廠技術文件與範例

SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for micro:bit

The SparkFun Inventor’s Kit (SIK) for micro:bit is a great way to get creative, connected and coding with the micro:bit. The SIK for micro:bit provides not only the micro:bit board but everything you need to hook up and experiment with multiple electronic circuits! With the SIK for micro:bit you will be able to complete circuits that will teach you how to read sensors, move motors, build Bluetooth® devices and more. The SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for micro:bit is the latest and greatest in single-board computer kits. Surrounding the micro:bit SIK is one core philosophy — that anyone can (and should) experiment with cutting-edge electronics in a fun and playful way without breaking the bank. The kit does not require any soldering and is recommended for all users, from beginners to engineers. We have provided a complete Experiment Guide in the Documents tab for you to check out now! If you have ever been interested in learning about electronics, or if you have used the original SparkFun Inventor’s Kit and are looking for something new, the SIK for micro:bit is the perfect kit for you!

The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that lets you get creative with digital technology. Between the micro:bit and our shield-like bit boards you can do almost anything while coding, customizing and controlling your micro:bit from almost anywhere! You can use your micro:bit for all sorts of unique creations, from robots to musical instruments and more. At half the size of a credit card, this versatile board has vast potential!

Get started with the micro:bit SIK Experiment Guide



  • micro:bit Board
  • SparkFun micro:bit Breakout (with Headers)
  • Full-Size Breadboard
  • micro:bit Battery Holder — 2xAA
  • Small Servo
  • TMP36 Temperature Sensor
  • Photocell
  • USB Micro-B Cable — 6 Foot
  • Jumper Wires
  • RGB Diffused LED
  • Red, Blue, Yellow and Green LEDs
  • 10K Trimpot
  • Multicolor Button — 4-pack
  • SPDT Mini Power Switch
  • Mini Speaker
  • 100 Ohm Resistors (Thick Leads)
  • 10K Ohm Resistors (Thick Leads)




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