SparkFun Inventors Kit for RedBot 智慧自走車開發套件組
NT$4,350 原始價格:NT$4,350。NT$3,150目前價格:NT$3,150。 (未稅)
SparkFun RedBot 是一個很好的方式讓你學習 Arduino 在機器人領域的入門套件組。您不用擔心不會組裝了你的 RedBot。本指南將通過九個不同的實驗,從學習如何驅動您的RedBot到使用加速度計觸發您的RedBot移動。一旦掌握了每個實驗的內容,就可以將本指南中學到的知識應用到創建自己的機器人平台上。
- 描述
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SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for RedBot 智慧自走車開發套件組 美國 SparkFun 原裝進口
SparkFun RedBot 是一個很好的方式讓你學習 Arduino 在機器人領域的入門套件組。您不用擔心不會組裝了你的 RedBot。本指南將通過九個不同的實驗,從學習如何驅動您的RedBot到使用加速度計觸發您的RedBot移動。一旦掌握了每個實驗的內容,就可以將本指南中學到的知識應用到創建自己的機器人平台上。
SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for RedBot 是 SparkFun Inventor 套件使用Arduino編程語言開始兩個電機機器人和傳感器集成的好方法。用於RedBot的SIK包含了完成9個電路所需的一切,它將教你如何驅動你的RedBot,遵循線路,遠程控制,等等。這個套件不需要以前的編程或電子設備的使用經驗,但建議您對機器人有一個了解或渴望了解。
SparkFun RedBot是一個很好的方式讓你的腳在機器人世界。然而,一旦你組裝了你的RedBot,你可能會不知所措。RedBot數字指南的在線 SIK(在下面的文檔部分)包含瞭如何連接每個電路的步驟說明,並將套件組裝成具有所有包含的部件的成熟的機器人。完整的示例代碼提供並解釋,甚至包括故障排除提示,如果出現問題。一旦你掌握了每一個實驗,你可以把你學到的東西應用到創建你自己的機器人平台上。
該套件不需要任何焊接,對於任何對機器人技術感興趣的人或者如果您已經使用了原始的SparkFun Inventor工具包並且正在尋找編程教育的下一步,建議您使用。注意:下面“ 文檔”部分的“實驗指南” 包含了完整的示例代碼,以使您的RedBot盡可能快地運行和移動。
- 1x SparkFun RedBot主板
- 1x 小車底盤
- 1x SparkFun RedBot傳感器 – 加速計
- 2x SparkFun RedBot傳感器 – 機械保險槓
- 3x SparkFun RedBot傳感器 – 線路跟隨器
- 1x SparkFun RedBot蜂鳴器
- 2x Hobby Gearmotor – 140 RPM
- 2x 輪子 – 65mm(橡膠輪胎)
- 1x 車輪編碼器套件
- 5x 跳線 – 3針,6“
- 1個SparkFun USB迷你B電纜 – 6英尺
- 1x SparkFun迷你螺絲刀
- 4 節AA鹼性電池 – 1500 mAh
RedBot 小車組裝教學
- Schematic 概要s:
- Eagle PCB設計圖
- RedBot Arduino Library
- Shadow Chassis Assembly Guide
- SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for RedBot Experiment Guide
- Wishlist
- GitHub
- GitHub Library
SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for RedBot
The SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for RedBot is a great way to get started with two motor robotics and sensor integration using the Arduino programming language. The SIK for RedBot includes everything you need to complete nine circuits that will teach you how to drive your RedBot, have it follow lines, control it remotely, and more. This kit doesn’t require previous programming or electronics experience but it is recommended that you possess an understanding of or desire to learn about robotics. The SparkFun RedBot is a great way to get your feet wet in the world of robotics. However, once you have assembled your RedBot, you may be at a loss as to where to go from there. The on-line SIK for RedBot Digital Guide (in the Documents section below) contains step by step instructions of how to connect each circuit and assemble the kit into a full-fledged robot with all of the included parts. Full example code is provided and explained and even includes troubleshooting tips if something goes wrong. Once you’ve mastered each experiment, you can take what you’ve learned and apply it to creating your own robot platform. The kit does not require any soldering and is recommended for anyone curious about robotics or if you have used the original SparkFun Inventor’s Kit and are looking for the next step in programming education. Note: The Experiment Guide in the Documents section below includes full example to code to get your RedBot functioning and moving as quickly as possible.
- 1x SparkFun RedBot Mainboard
- 1x Shadow Chassis
- 1x SparkFun RedBot Sensor – Accelerometer
- 2x SparkFun RedBot Sensor – Mechanical Bumper
- 3x SparkFun RedBot Sensor – Line Follower
- 1x SparkFun RedBot Buzzer
- 2x Hobby Gearmotor – 140 RPM
- 2x Wheel – 65mm (Rubber Tire)
- 1x Wheel Encoder Kit
- 5x Jumper Wire – 3-pin, 6″
- 1x SparkFun USB Mini-B Cable – 6 Foot
- 1x SparkFun Mini Screwdriver
- 4x AA Alkaline Battery – 1500 mAh
評價 (0)
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