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SparkFun MMA8452Q 三軸加速度計模組 SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout – MMA8452Q (Qwiic)
SparkFun MMA8452Q 三軸加速度計模組 使您可以輕鬆使用小型MMA8452Q加速度計通過您的項目中的I 2 C進行通信。MMA8452Q是一款具有12位分辨率的智能低功耗三軸電容式MEMS加速度計。該加速度計具有嵌入式功能,具有靈活的用戶可編程選項,可配置為兩個中斷引腳。嵌入式中斷功能可節省總體功耗,從而減輕主機處理器連續輪詢數據的能力。SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout的這一版本包括用於快速原型設計和更易於使用的預焊接Qwiic連接器。在連接器已經焊接的情況下,您可以直接使用這個小板,無需任何組裝!
MMA8452Q具有用戶可選的滿量程±2g /±4g /±8g,具有高通濾波數據以及實時可用的非濾波數據。該器件可配置為從可配置嵌入式功能的任意組合中產生慣性喚醒中斷信號,從而允許MMA8452Q監控事件並在非活動期間保持低功耗模式。
該電路板還將接地,電源,I 2 C和兩個外部中斷輸出分為0.1“間隔引腳。
- 1.95 V至3.6 V電源電壓
- 1.6 V至3.6 V接口電壓
- ±2g /±4g /±8g可全面動態選擇
- 輸出數據速率(ODR)從1.56 Hz到800 Hz
- 12位和8位數字輸出
- I 2 C數字輸出接口(運行至2.25 MHz,上拉4.7kΩ)
- 兩個可編程中斷引腳用於六個中斷源
- 三個嵌入式運動檢測通道
- 方向(人像/風景)檢測與設置滯後
- 高通濾波器數據實時可用
- 電流消耗:6μA – 165μA
- 2個Qwiic連接端口
SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout – MMA8452Q (Qwiic)
This breakout board makes it easy to use the tiny MMA8452Q accelerometer communicate over I2C in your project. The MMA8452Q is a smart low-power, three-axis, capacitive MEMS accelerometer with 12 bits of resolution. This accelerometer is packed with embedded functions with flexible user programmable options, configurable to two interrupt pins. Embedded interrupt functions allow for overall power savings relieving the host processor from continuously polling data. This version of the SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout includes pre-soldered Qwiic connectors for rapid prototyping and better ease of use. With the connectors already soldered on, you can jump right into using this little board without any assembly!
SparkFun MMA8452Q Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout
The MMA8452Q has user selectable full scales of ±2g/±4g/±8g with high pass filtered data as well as non filtered data available real-time. The device can be configured to generate inertial wake-up interrupt signals from any combination of the configurable embedded functions allowing the MMA8452Q to monitor events and remain in a low power mode during periods of inactivity.
This board also breaks out the ground, power, I2C and two external interrupt outputs into 0.1″ spaced pins.
- 1.95 V to 3.6 V supply voltage
- 1.6 V to 3.6 V interface voltage
- ±2g/±4g/±8g dynamically selectable full-scale
- Output Data Rates (ODR) from 1.56 Hz to 800 Hz
- 12-bit and 8-bit digital output
- I2C digital output interface (operates to 2.25 MHz with 4.7 kΩ pullup)
- Two programmable interrupt pins for six interrupt sources
- Three embedded channels of motion detection
- Orientation (Portrait/Landscape) detection with set hysteresis
- High Pass Filter Data available real-time
- Current Consumption: 6 μA – 165 μA
- 2x Qwiic Connection Ports
評價 (0)
運動 / 位置 / 加速度
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