- 描述
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SparkFun Nano Power Timer – TPL5110 低功耗迷你電源計時器 定時開關機 能將任何電子專案轉變成低功率專案
有時我們希望啟動項目,但有時我們想暫時關閉它們以節省電量。SparkFun Nano Power Timer – TPL5110 低功號迷你電源計時器 將在僅消耗最小功率(約35nA)的同時運行,並在設定的時間後打開您的項目。完成輪詢傳感器,將數據發佈到網絡,寫到記錄器或計劃世界統治之後,您的微控制器可以告訴SparkFun Nano Power Timer – TPL5110 低功號迷你電源計時器 關閉電源。當您只想每小時讀取一次環境溫度時,不再需要整天運行微控制器。
SparkFun Nano Power Timer – TPL5110 低功號迷你電源計時器 可以處理介於1.8V和5.5V之間的電壓以及高達1.1A的電流,時間從100ms到2小時(預配置設置範圍從30s到2h)。您會在板上找到一個按鈕,該按鈕可讓您快速覆蓋延遲,以便您可以隨時打開項目。
SparkFun Nano Power Timer – TPL5110 低功號迷你電源計時 的 TPL5110 毫微計時器是低功率的計時器,具有整合式 MOSFET 驅動器,非常適合在工作週期或電池供電式應用中進行電源閘控。TPL5110 僅消耗 35 nA,能使用內建計時器啟用電源線路、在睡眠週期期間大幅降低系統整體待機電流,並且負責啟動/關閉專案。輕鬆利用這些省電效果,以便使用更小型的電池,因此非常適合能源採集或無線感測器應用開發。TPL5110 提供可選擇的計時間隔,時間介於 100 ms 至 7200 s,可透過板載微調筒進行調整:幾乎一路向左「每 100 毫秒一次」,幾乎一路向右則「每 2 小時一次」。基本上,TPL 會定期開啟,可由電位器或電阻進行調整,並用專案的電源啟動。接著會等待,直到從專案收到訊號告知 TPL 可安全關閉電源才行動。
此外,TPL5110 具有獨特的單次功能,計時器僅會供電給 MOSFET 一個循環。SparkFun Nano Power Timer – TPL5110 低功號迷你電源計時 使用更加簡便。透過板載微調筒的調整設定所需延遲、將 VDD 接至高達 1.8 V 至 5 V 電源供應器、將專案的電源輸入端接至驅動引腳,最後將訊號引腳從專案接至完成引腳,在專案完成所需任務時,將完成引腳設定為高位。
- 電源電壓:1.8V至5.5V
- 2.5V時的電流消耗:典型值為35nA(最大50nA)
- 可選時間間隔:100ms至7200s(2小時)
- 計時器精度:1%
- 原理圖
- 鷹文件
- 聯播指南
- 數據表(TPL5110)
- GitHub硬件回購
SparkFun Nano Power Timer – TPL5110
Ultra low power timer with MOS driver and MOSFET power ON
Sometimes we want our projects on, but sometimes we want to turn them off for a while to save power. The SparkFun Nano Power Timer will run while only consuming minimal power (approximately 35nA) and turn your project on after a set amount of time. When you are done polling your sensors, posting data to the web, writing to your logger, or planning world domination, your microcontroller can tell the Nano Power Timer to turn off the power. No more running your microcontroller all day when you only want to read the ambient temperature once per hour.
The TPL5110 delay is configured with the use of resistors. We’ve added a six-way DIP switch to select one of the five preinstalled resistors. The sixth switch is attached to a pad to add your own PTH (or SMD) resistor. The delays associated with the preinstalled headers are shown on the bottom of the board for quick setup. Additionally, you can select more than one switch to combine the resistors in parallel (up to 26 options not including the custom resistor), check out the hookup guide for a nice chart as to the total resistance and corresponding delay for each combination.
The Nano Power Timer can handle voltages between 1.8V and 5.5V as well as current up to 1.1A with times from 100ms to two hours (preconfigured settings range from 30s to 2h). You will find a button on the board which will allow you a quick override to the delay so you can turn your project on whenever you like.
- Supply Voltage: 1.8V to 5.5V
- Current consumption at 2.5V: 35nA Typical (50nA Max)
- Selectable Time intervals: 100ms to 7200s (2 hours)
- Timer Accuracy: 1%
評價 (0)
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