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SparkFun Qwiic 12 Bit ADC – 4 Channel (ADS1015) ADC 模組 IIC 通訊
SparkFun Qwiic 12 Bit ADC – 4 Channel (ADS1015) ADC 模組讓您可以輕鬆添加更多的模擬輸入即可解決問題。。SparkFun Qwiic 12位ADC可以為啟用Qwiic的項目提供四個通道的I 2 C受控ADC輸入。這些通道可用作單端輸入,或成對用於差分輸入。使它更強大的是它具有可編程增益放大器,可讓您“放大”模擬電壓的很小變化(但仍會影響您的輸入範圍和分辨率)。利用我們方便的Qwiic系統,無需焊接即可將其連接到系統的其餘部分。但是,如果您更喜歡使用麵包板,我們仍然會斷開0.1英寸間距的插針。
ADS1015使用自己的內部基準電壓進行測量,但引腳上還提供了接地和3.3V基準,供用戶使用。該ADC板在輸入的四個通道上包括螺釘引腳端子,從而可以無焊接地連接到設置中的電壓源。它還具有一個地址跳線,可讓您選擇四個唯一地址(0x48、0x49、0x4A,0x4B)之一。這樣,您最多可以在同一I 2 C總線上連接其中的四個,並具有16個ADC通道。轉換器的最大分辨率在差分模式下為12位,對於單端輸入為11位。步長范圍為每計數125μV至每計數3mV,具體取決於滿量程範圍(FSR)設置。
注意: ADS1015的I 2 C地址為0x48,可以選擇0x49、0x4A,0x4B的跳線。需要一個多路復用器/ Mux與一條總線上的多個ADS1015傳感器進行通信。如果需要使用多個ADS1015傳感器,請考慮使用Qwiic Mux Breakout。
- ADS1015
- 工作電壓(V DD):2.0V-5.5V
- (注意:使用Qwiic電纜供電時,輸入範圍僅為3.3v)
- 工作溫度:-40°C至125°C
- 操作模式:單拍,連續轉換(默認)和占空比
- 模擬輸入:
- 測量類型:單端(默認)
- 輸入電壓範圍:GND至V DD
- 滿量程範圍(FSR):±.256V至±6.114V(默認:2.048V)
- 解析度:
- 12位(差分)或11位(單端)
- LSB大小:0.125mV-3mV(默認值:1 mV)
- 採樣率:128 Hz至3.3 kHz(默認:1600SPS)
- 電流消耗(典型值):150μA-200μA
- I 2 C地址:0x48(默認),0x49、0x4A或0x4B
- 工作電壓(V DD):2.0V-5.5V
- 螺釘端子,用於無焊接連接到電壓源
- 四個唯一的I 2 C地址:
- 0x48
- 0x49
- 0x4A
- 0x4B
- 2個Qwiic連接端口
- 板載10K微調鍋
SparkFun Qwiic 12 Bit ADC – 4 Channel (ADS1015)
A lot of the time you just need to add more analog inputs to solve a problem. It happens. The SparkFun Qwiic 12 Bit ADC can provide four channels of I2C controlled ADC input to your Qwiic enabled project. These channels can be used as single-ended inputs, or in pairs for differential inputs. What makes this even more powerful is that it has a programmable gain amplifier that lets you “zoom in” on a very small change in analog voltage (but will still effect your input range and resolution). Utilizing our handy Qwiic system, no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your system. However, we still have broken out 0.1″-spaced pins in case you prefer to use a breadboard.
The ADS1015 uses its own internal voltage reference for measurements, but a ground and 3.3V reference are also available on the pin outs for users. This ADC board includes screw pin terminals on the four channels of input, allowing for solderless connection to voltage sources in your setup. It also has an address jumper that lets you choose one of four unique addresses (0x48, 0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B). With this, you can connect up to four of these on the same I2C bus and have sixteen channels of ADC. The maximum resolution of the converter is 12-bits in differential mode and 11-bits for single-ended inputs. Step sizes range from 125μV per count to 3mV per count depending on the full-scale range (FSR) setting.
We have included an onboard 10K trimpot connected to channel A3. This is handy for initial setup testing and can be used as a simple variable input to your project. But don’t worry, we added an isolation jumper so you can use channel A3 however you’d like.
- ADS1015
- Operating Voltage (VDD): 2.0V-5.5V
- (Note: When powering with a Qwiic cable, the input range is only 3.3v)
- Operating Temperature: -40°C to 125°C
- Operation Modes: Single-Shot, Continuous-Conversion (Default), and Duty Cycling
- Analog Inputs:
- Measurement Type: Single-Ended (Default)
- Input Voltage Range: GND to VDD
- Full Scale Range (FSR): ±.256V to ±6.114V (Default: 2.048V)
- Resolution:
- 12-bit (Differential) or 11-bit (Single-Ended)
- LSB size: 0.125mV – 3mV (Default: 1 mV)
- Sample Rate: 128 Hz to 3.3 kHz (Default: 1600SPS)
- Current Consumption (Typical): 150μA-200μA
- I2C Address: 0x48 (Default), 0x49, 0x4A, or 0x4B
- Operating Voltage (VDD): 2.0V-5.5V
- Screw pin terminals for solderless connection to voltage sources
- Four unique I2C addresses:
- 0x48
- 0x49
- 0x4A
- 0x4B
- 2x Qwiic connection ports
- Onboard 10K trimpot
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