
UART OBLOQ WIFI 物聯網無線通訊模組 ESP8266 內核心 豐富教學 支援 Microsoft Azure 支援 Micro:bit Arduino, 等開發板

原始價格:NT$510。目前價格:NT$425。 (未稅)

狀態: 尚有庫存 貨號: WWI-005171 分類: 標籤: , , , , , , , ,


UART OBLOQ WIFI 物聯網無線通訊模組 ESP8266 內核心 豐富教學 支援 Microsoft Azure 支援 Micro:bit Arduino, 等開發板

如果您仍然不知道如何玩物聯網(IoT),UART OBLOQ 物聯網無線通訊模組 將是您連接物聯網世界的理想選擇。物聯網的核心是用戶體驗。它集嵌入式系統技術,移動技術和網絡技術於一體,構成了智能係統。它統一了硬件,軟件和網絡服務,使它們成為一個整體。您可以查看這些Obloq教程以獲取初始化。
重力:UART OBLOQ模塊是WiFi到串行設備。它面向非專業開發人員,支持標準的MQTT協議物聯網服務,如Microsoft Azure IoT。通過 UART OBLOQ 物聯網無線通訊模組 ,您可以快速構建物聯網應用程序,而無需具備物聯網的複雜背景知識。通過這種方式,製造商可以真正專注於在物聯網上創建有趣的東西。OBLOQ基於ESP8266 WiFi芯片設計,體積小巧,價格低廉,接口簡單,即插即用,在3.3V~5V控制系統下運行穩定。
下面是Arduino UNO和 UART OBLOQ 物聯網無線通訊模組  的連接圖。

UART OBLOQ 物聯網無線通訊模組


Microsoft Azure IoT 物聯網平台: Microsoft Azure 是一個公有云平台,它使企業能夠在Internet上運行自己的應用程序。借助Microsoft Azure,組織可以跨多個數據中心快速開發,部署和管理應用程序。


UART OBLOQ 物聯網無線通訊模組 教程:


  • 內置低功耗32位CPU:可用作應用處理器
  • 內置協議:TCP / IP堆棧
  • 加密類型:WPA WPA2 / WPA2-PSK
  • 支持與標準MQTT協議和TTL串行端口到無線應用的連接


  • 工作電壓:3.3-5V
  • 供電電壓:3.3~5.5V
  • 波特率:9600 bps
  • 無線頻率:2.4GHz
  • 接口類型:重力UART 4PIN
  • 無線模式:IEEE802.11b / g / n
  • SRAM:160KB
  • 外置閃存:4MB
  • 支持低功耗:<240mA
  • 尺寸:35mm * 32mm / 1.38inch * 1.26inch
  • 重量:16克

UART OBLOQ WIFI 物聯網無線通訊模組 文件

Gravity: UART OBLOQ – IoT Module

The UART OBLOQ is an Internet of Things module module from DFRobot. It is based on the famous ESP8266 WiFi enabled SoC and exposes a command based interface over Serial. The device is shown in figure 1.

UART OBLOQ device.png

Figure 1 – UART OBLOQ.

So, in other words, the ESP8266 of the UART OBLOQ is running a custom firmware that receives commands via serial and is able to interpret them and act accordingly. This firmware comes already flashed in the device, so we don’t need to flash it ourselves.

This means we can connect another microcontroller to the UART OBLOQ and offload from it the WiFi related functionalities. For example, we can develop an application in an Arduino board and then interact with the UART OBLOQ to send messages to remote applications over the Internet.

Currently, in version 3.0 of the UART OBLOQ firmware, we can use MQTT and HTTP as protocols to communicate with other devices and applications. Note however that, since the UART OBLOQ is based on the ESP8266, it is possible that, in future firmware versions, more communication protocols can be implemented.

The UART OBLOQ can operate with a supply voltage between 3.3 V and 5 V and a current of less than 240 mA [2]. This means that we need to use a power supply capable of providing a considerable amount of current for it to operate correctly.

It is a relatively compact device, with the dimensions of 35 mm x 32 mm and a weight of 16 g.

The device already includes an antenna, which means the WiFi functionalities can be used out of the box without the need for additional connections or soldering.

The UART OBLOQ exposes a minimalist interface with only 4 pins. Two of them are for power supply (GND and VCC), and the other two are the Rx and Tx pins of the Serial interface.

The device operates with a baud rate of 9600 [1], so this needs to be taken into consideration when establishing a serial connection to it.



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