
WEMOS LOLIN D32 ESP32 物聯網開發板 具 3.7V鋰電池插座
0 out of 5
NT$340 原始價格:NT$340。NT$215目前價格:NT$215。 (未稅)
狀態: 尚有庫存
貨號: EDB-006943
標籤: ble, Bluetooth, ESP-32, ESP32 Wemos D1, ESP32 WIFI, LoLin32, TIS, WeMos, WEMOS LOLIN D32, WEMOS LOLIN32, WiFi, 探索 ESP32:開發與創新的無限可能
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WEMOS LOLIN D32 ESP32 物聯網開發板 具 3.7V鋰電池插座
WEMOS LOLIN D32 ESP32 物聯網開發板 (ESP32 開發板) 是Wemos基於 ESP-32 模組所設計的核心開發板,板載802.11 b/g/n/e/i 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 的微控制器,再加入藍牙 v4.2 BR/EDR 和低功耗藍牙(BLE、BT4.0、Bluetooth Smart)以及引出 ESP-32所有的GPIO,配有雙核心 Tensilica 32bit LX6 微處理器,高達 240 MHz 時脈頻率,開發者可以使用面包板進行開發和調試時。
WEMOS LOLIN D32 ESP32 物聯網開發板 (ESP32 開發板) 具有功率效能、RF 效能、耐用度、多功能性、特點以及可靠性,因此非常適合 IoT 和連網專案。能安裝 ESP32 Arduino Core,即可透過 Arduino IDE 進行編程。

LOLIN D32 主要用途:
– WiFi+藍牙4.2+BLE
– 雙核CPU
– 能夠像Arduino一樣操作硬件IO
WEMOS LOLIN D32 ESP32 物聯網開發版 商品規格:
- 尺寸:57*25*14mm
- 重量:8g
- 品牌:Wemos
- 型號:LoLin32
- 晶片:ESP32-WROOM-32
- Wifi:802.11 b/g/n/e/i
- Bluetooth:BR/EDR+BLE
- 工作電壓:3.3V
- GPIO:28個
- 數位 I/O Pins:26
- 模擬 I/O Pins:12
- 最高運算速度:240Mhz
- USB芯片:CP2102
- 存儲容量:4MBytes
- 記憶體:20kBytes
- 電源插頭:PH-2 2.0mm
- 連接:Micro-USB
LOLIN D32 V1.0.0 – wifi & bluetooth board based ESP-32 esp32 ESP-WROOM-32 4MB FLASH Arduino MicroPython Compatible
The WeMos LOLIN32 board is based on the ESP-WROOM-32 module and adds a LiIon/LiPo battery charging circuit, an USB to serial converter IC and an USB port. Solder the headers to the PCB and use it directly on any breadboard.
The ESP8266 is great for small projects where you don’t need so many I/Os, processing power or interfaces. Espressif listened to their customers and put a lot more into the new ESP32 WiFi-SoC:
- 240 MHz dual core Tensilica LX6 microcontroller with 600 DMIPS
- Integrated 520 KB SRAM
- Integrated 802.11b/g/n HT40 Wi-Fi transceiver, baseband, stack and LWIP
- Integrated dual mode Bluetooth (classic and BLE)
- 4 MByte flash include in the WROOM32 module
- On-board PCB antenna
- Ultra-low noise analog amplifier
- Hall sensor
- 10x capacitive touch interface
- 32 kHz crystal oscillator
- 26 x Digital I/O pins
- 12 x ADC input channels
- 2 x I2S Audio
- 2 x DAC
- PWM/timer input/output available on every GPIO pin
- OpenOCD debug interface with 32 kB TRAX buffer
- SDIO master/slave 50 MHz
- SD-card interface support
評價 (0)
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