
Gravity 模擬類比式溶解氧感測儀組 Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor DFRobot 原裝進口

原始價格:NT$6,500。目前價格:NT$5,950。 (未稅)


Gravity 模擬類比式溶解氧感測儀組 Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor DFRobot 原裝進口

Gravity 模擬類比式溶解氧感測儀組 是一款arduino兼容的溶解氧傳感器,用於測量水中的溶解氧含量,反應水質狀況。可應用於水產養殖、環境檢測、自然科學等領域的水質檢測。俗話說,“養魚先養水,好水養好魚。”良好的水質,對水生物非常重要。溶解氧( Dissolved Oxygen)就是反應水質好壞的重要參數之一。水中的溶解氧值一旦過低,會造成水生物呼吸困難,對其生存造成威脅。

溶解氧跟空氣裡氧的分壓、大氣壓、水溫和水質有密切的關係,在20℃、100kPa下,純水里大約溶解氧9mg/L。有些有機化合物在喜氧菌作用下發生生物降解,要消耗水里的溶解氧。如果有機物以碳來計算,根據C+O 2 =CO 2可知,每12g碳要消耗32g氧氣。當水中的溶解氧值降到5mg/L時,一些魚類的呼吸就發生困難。
我們推出了一款 Gravity 模擬類比式溶解氧感測儀組 ,用於測量水中的溶解氧含量,反應水質狀況,可應用於水產養殖、環境檢測、自然科學等領域的水質檢測。本產品簡單易用,因此DIY一套溶解氧檢測儀不再是有難度的門檻。本產品的溶解氧電極為原電池型電極,無需極化時間,隨用隨測。填充液與感應膜可更換,維護成本低;信號轉接板具有工作電壓寬、連線方便、即插即用等特點,可方便的接入到現成的控制系統中使用。該產品簡單易用、兼容性強、代碼開源、配套資料詳細,可快速應用到所需場景中,為你的水生物守住“生命之源”!


  • 溶解氧電極
    • 電極類型:原電池
    • 檢測範圍:0~20mg/L
    • 溫度範圍:0~40℃
    • 響應時間:90秒達到98%全響應(25℃)
    • 壓力範圍:0~50PSI
    • 流動條件:0.3 mL/s
    • 電極芯壽命:1年(正常使用情況下)
    • 維護時間:視水質狀況,對於渾水,通常1~2個月需更換膜帽;對於清水,通常4~5個月需更換膜帽。電極填充液建議每個月更換一次。
    • 線纜長度:2米
    • 連線接口:BNC
  • 信號轉接板
    • 供電電壓:3.3~5.5V
    • 輸出電壓:0~3.0V
    • 電極接口:BNC
    • 信號接口:Gravity接口(PH2.0-3P)
    • 板子尺寸:42mm * 32mm

Gravity 模擬類比式溶解氧感測儀組

由於國際進出口政策,腐蝕性溶液(酸性和鹼性溶液)不允許通過航空運輸。試劑盒中不包含填充溶液。您必須從本地商店購買或自行部署解決方案,請參閱WiKi FAQ-Q4。沒有填充解決方案就無法工作!購買時請小心!


  1. 填充液為0.5 mol / L NaOH溶液。使用前需要將其倒入膜蓋中。操作時請小心,因為溶液具有腐蝕性。請戴手套!如果溶液意外掉到皮膚上,請立即用大量清水沖洗皮膚。
  2. 膜帽中的透氧膜是敏感且易碎的。使用它時要小心。應避免使用指甲和其他尖銳物體。
  3. DO傳感器在測量過程中會消耗少量氧氣。請輕輕攪拌溶液,讓氧氣均勻分佈在水中。

Gravity 模擬類比式溶解氧感測儀組 教學文件與資源下載


  • 帶膜蓋x1的電偶溶解氧探頭
  • 備用膜蓋x1
  • 信號轉換器板x1
  • 重力模擬傳感器電纜x1
  • 防水墊片x2
  • BNC連接器x1的螺帽
  • 塑料滴管x2

Gravity: Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor / Meter Kit For Arduino

This is a dissolved oxygen sensor kit, which is compatible with Arduino microcontrollers. This product is used to measure the dissolved oxygen in water, to reflect the water quality. It is widely applied in many water quality applications, such as aquaculture, environment monitoring, natural science and so on. You may also check Liquid Sensor Selection Guide to get better familar with our liquid sensor series.
There’s an old saying regarding to keeping fish, “Good fish deserves good water”. Good water quality is very important to the aquatic organisms. Dissolved oxygen is one of the important parameters to reflect the water quality. Low dissolved oxygen in water will lead to difficulty in breathing for aquatic organisms, which may threaten their lives.

Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

We launched a new opensource dissolved oxygen sensor kit, which is compatible with Arduino. This product is used to measure the dissolved oxygen in water, to reflect the water quality. This sensor kit helps you quickly to build your own dissolved oxygen detector.
The probe is a galvanic probe, no need of polarization time, and stay available at any time. The filling solution and membrane cap is replaceable, leading to the low maintenance cost. The signal converter board is plug and play, and has the good compatibility. It can be easily integrated to any control or detecting system.
This product is easy to use with high compatibility. With open-source code and detailed tutorial provided, this product is very suitable for your water projects in detecting the dissolved oxygen concentration for the aquatic organisms.



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